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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Eduard Brassin cockpit for Revell 1/32 Bf 109G-6


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1:32 Bf 109G-6 Cockpit (for Revell kit)
Eduard "Brassin"
Catalogue # 632 022
Available at most online retailers, $49.95 (US) MSRP




In the USA, we have an old saying "In life, only two things are certain, death and taxes".  I think it appropriate to amend this to "only three things are certain, death, taxes and when a new Bf 109 kit is released a flood of aftermarket will follow!".  Revell introduced their new Bf 109G-6 (early and late) last year and the typically prolific Eduard has not let us down in providing a host of add-ons.  The flagship of their releases to date is their Brassin cockpit set.  For the most part the Revell Bf 109G-6 cockpit is nicely done, the biggest detractors being an inaccurate control stick and "gimmicky" molded in seat belts on the seat bucket and back rest.  Of course there is a large amount of after-market available for the Hasegawa Gustav but this is the first cockpit set specifically designed for the Revell kit.  Before we proceed let's deal with the pink elephant in the room, the price.  At an MSRP of nearly $50 this set is not cheap, nearly twice the price of the kit itself!  Typically I only purchase items like this on sale though, I picked this up for 50% off at Squadron's last "Black Friday" sale.  Purchasing from the US is not always easy for all of us though so let's take a look and what we have and you can determine if this set is worth your hard earned sheckles.
Before we go too far a few words on real life cockpits are appropriate.  The Bf 109G-6 was produced by three different factories and the aircraft itself was constantly being upgraded.  When it comes to 109's the only thing we can say is "standard" is "non-standardization".  Therefore the best someone can do with a set like this is give a good composite of what the cockpit should look like.  If you delve deep enough you'll be able to find subtle and some sometimes not so subtle differences.  Here's a couple of  pics of the real thing just for reference:






Upon opening the box, which contains a good amount of foam padding (always appreciated with resin parts) we're presented with four zip-loc bags.  Three containing resin parts and a fourth with two photo-tech sheets, one standard and one pre-painted.  The resin is crisply cast with no flash whatsoever, quality looks absolutely superb.
The rear deck and seat rest have some added detail not present in the kit parts, particularly the control boxes on the starboard side and of course the seat back is (gratefully) lacking the molded in belts.


The seat bucket detail is exceptional with delicately cast rivet detail and seat belt attachment points.  The firewall also features nicely done rivet detail.





The starboard sidewall contains junction boxes and wiring that were omitted by Revell.  The oxygen regulator and hose are also an upgrade over the kit being more detailed and crisply cast.  You'll note the fuel line is molded in here as opposed the separate clear part that is provided with the kit.


The port sidewall has the chain for the flap actuators molded on and as with the starboard side contains some additional detail on the forward portion of the part.




As with the kit both styles of gun breech covers are provided.  The MG 151 cover here features finely wrought weld beads, really a nice touch.



Eduard has provided two options for the instrument panel.  The first is a standard resin replacement for the kit part, which decals for the instrument faces would be used.  The detail on this is amazing and Eduard has also included the lower auxillary control panel present on some aircraft.  The second IP is intended for use with the pre-painted photo etch parts.



Some of the miscellaneous parts here including the gun sight and the control stick.  These are both welcome additions since both of the kit parts were lacking in this area.  The KG-13A control stick is beautifully rendered, in my opinion this is the best rendition I've ever seen of this part.



The color PE sheet contains a set of pre-painted seat belts and instrument panel details.  Eduard seems to have refined their process for their pre-painted parts, the instrument detail appears to be sharper than previous offerings and should look great once assembled.



My only gripe with the pre-painted stuff is that typically the RLM 66 on the IP is a different shade than my Mr. Color RLM 66.  I've found with some careful application of Mr. Masking Sol I can paint the outer section to match the rest of the cockpit, here's one I did for a Fw 190D-9 just for reference:



The other sheet of PE contains other various parts for the cockpit.  Typically I mix and match parts like this with what's in the kit depending on how fiddly and delicate the PE is.



So what do we think?
Eduard has a packed a lot into this set.  It's a definite upgrade over the kit cockpit in just about every aspect.  Obviously the price will put some people off but if you decide to spend the money I don't think you'll be disappointed with what's in the box.  The detail supplied with the kit cockpit is certainly adequate but I think the kit will really shine with this set.
Highly Recommended!
Mike O.
Review copy courtesy of my wallet.

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