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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Trumpeter E-10 'paper panzer'

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I've been building this for a while, but that isn't very interesting... no extra details etc... It's meant as a foil to the Revell 109G-6 I'm working on (still!).


All I've done is adjusted the wheels/suspension to depict the vehicle in the 'hull down' or crouched position.


So today I finally played with some black paint as a pre-shade sort of thing...



Just playing around seeing what I can do... it is a nice break from the rigour of trying to do a real scheme on the aircraft...


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Then I started laying down a late war sandy sort of colour... can't remember its proper name or RAL number...




It's very green looking (in real life as well as the photos)... I'm going to lighten and yellow it up a bit and put some more layers on... Then add some camo.... The mantlet is just sprayed with a little RLM 23 I had from painting the Bf109 walkways, again a thin airbrushed wash... then the sand over that... gives an interesting if not entirely authentic look...
Barrel is a Master Models one as the kit offering was very poor.
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Paint on... the Vallejo Model Colour bottles are referenced as being the correct RAL values for late war sand (7028), green (6011) and choccy brown (8017). But that green looks pretty bright (even after toning down a little)...?


However, this is just the start and I'm sure some of what I want to do (filters and fading and ....) will tone the green down and bring the colours into a slightly more harmonious state.... Anyone who wants to chip in with advice about technique is welcome - all new to me.
Couple of other views...

Getting the Vallejo paint to behave nicely was an education..! I ended up with a mix of paint (which in the Model Colour bottles is very thick), Vallejo thinner which itself had been thinned 50/50 with water, and if that seemed too thick a few drops of Medea (Iwata) airbrush cleaner. Blowing air back through the brush and seeing how the bubbles formed in the paint cup was a good way of gauging thinness.
Slight hassle is that various Vallejo paints seem to behave differently given the same thinning (for eg I know that some will mix with IPA, while others won't and turn to goo...!).
It's sprayed quite roughly as I figured that finish would be a minor consideration at that (theoretical) stage of the war. The armour is a bit of relief in terms of not needing such an exacting finish as the aircraft.... I'm hoping the filters and weathering will be as much fun. I have a few of the True Earth range to try out...(www.true-earth.com/en-uk/index.html)
All for now... back to my 109G-6..


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