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1:32 decal sets for WNW 2A2 Salmson kits
Pheon Decals
Catalogue # see article for code and price
Available from Pheon Decals





Has there ever been any specific Wingnut Wings kit more underrepresented in the online modelling community, than the excellent 2A2 Salmson? I must admit that whilst I don't regularly visit the various modelling shows around the country, I am told that you really don't see any of these models made up anywhere. I, for one, think that's a crying shame as it really is, for me, one of the real highlights in the WNW catalogue. Having said that, Pheon decals have come to the rescue, and offered not one or two new decal sets for this kit, but THREE. We have been lucky enough to receive all three sets, and thought we'd share our findings with you.

  1. 32048, In French Service Vol.1, £12.75
  2. 32049, In French Service Vol.2, £12.75
  3. 32050, In USAS & Polish Service, £14.00

Before we dive in, I must share with you a little of what Pheon have told me regarding these new sets. We are all used to seeing Limited Edition decal sheets that are sometimes given another print run. Well, these are slightly different. Pheon aren't calling any of these sets 'Limited Edition', but due to the number of processes required for their printing (11 colours plus varnish), when these sets are sold out, that's it.....finito! As only 125 of each have been produced, I really do suggest you get your order in as soon as possible, to avoid inevitable disappointment. Printing is by Fantasy Printshop, and my experiences with their products have been nothing short of excellent. Decals react well to setting solutions (but there is a disclaimer against using them!), and their quality is among the very best in the business.


Each set is packaged into a large Zip-lock wallet, and contains (as well as the actual decals) laser-printed colour scheme sheets and a rather neat booklet containing information on the schemes and also the best way to apply your decals. Of course, when it comes to scale models, reference and research is what sets some products apart from others. Rowan Broadbent is pretty picky when it comes to getting things right, and will research his schemes so that as little ambiguity as to these old aircraft, remain. The reference he uses is listed per machine. That is as standard, so now we'll take a look at t he individual sets and see what they offer.



32048, In French Service Vol.1

From this set, no less than NINE machines can be modelled. First of all, where national markings are required, you need to use the kit decals, as these are, being printed by Cartograf, perfectly for the job.


A good number of the schemes present here, have the same basic camouflage layout which you will see in the WNW kit, with the exception of one machine that is finished in what might be grey or silver. This machine carries a 'Sun of Rhodes' insignia, due to the unit being commanded by Capitane Derode, who himself was a student of ancient Greece. This particular scheme, like the others, contains a list of optional parts in each aircraft section, which must be used for building that specific machine. These decals are among some of the most varied and colourful that I've see from Pheon.








Schemes available with this set are:

  • Serial not known, SPA 102
  • Serial 520 of SAL 1, Summer 1918
  • Serial XX(53?)47, SAL 14
  • Serial "5531" (purely speculative) SAL 17, Mayence-Gonsenheim (Mainz), Germany, 8 May, 1919
  • Serial 490, SAL 33
  • Serial 316, SAL 39
  • Serial 5351, SAL 74
  • Serial 5033 or 5039, SAL 263
  • Serial 798, SAL 288

The decals look quite extraordinary, and of course contain all of those amazing logos and serials in their varying styles. Two sets of serial numbers are included for the rudder. The font remains the same, but they are of different sizes. Two sets of each are also included, to give you duplicates, depending on which machine you build, or even if you build more than one from this sheet. In actuality, you could build the whole nine schemes, as the decals, as I have said are reliant on the kit sheet for the main markings. Now, THAT is value for money!












I say this for all decal sets in this review. Printing is sharp, superbly thin, and with minimal carrier film. Colours are authentic and solid, and registration is perfect. Please take that for granted in this article.


The instruction booklet also explains a little about the possible reasons for the lack of French aircraft on the modelling scene, recounting the horrific casualty statistics that the French endured. Notes are supplied for French Unit Designations too, and a separate page of listed reference material is supplied.





32049, In French Service Vol.2

All machines in this second set carry the same camouflage as was used in 8 of the 9 schemes in the previous set. What sets all of these aircraft apart are the colourful emblems employed by the various units/machines. Again, there are NINE schemes to choose from here, and the decal sheet format is very similar except that these schemes don't use a generic rudder numbering format.








This set offers up the following Salmson aircraft:

  • Serial 563 (purely speculative), SAL 10, winter 1918 – 1919
  • Serial 26(5?), SAL 16, April 1918, flown by Asp. Paul Honnorat, Observer Ltt Martin
  • Serial 945, SAL 18
  • Serial 5351 (speculative), SAL 32
  • Serial 539 (possibly 531), SAL 40, flown by Adjutant Marius Roche, October 1918
  • Serial 479, SAL 58
  • Serial 359, SAL 70
  • Serial 504, SAL 259
  • Serial 4321, SAL 580












32050, In USAS & Polish Service

Despite costing a couple of £ more, this set offers only SEVEN schemes, in comparison to the nine in each of the others, but don't let that put you off. What this set does contain is THREE decal sheets, as opposed to the single sheet in the others. There are two A5 size sheets which not only contain the emblems and serials of the Salmson, but also national markings in the form of the cockade and the large red/white Polish chequer squares. A smaller sheet/strip contains serials (with an obliteration), and bands for the lower wing. Cockades are split to accommodate the ailerons, and hinge/rigging locations are also included.








The machines which may be built here are:

  • Serial not known, 24th Aero Squadron, November 1918
  • Serial not known, 88th Aero Squadron, Forces of Occupation, Trier, Germany, December 1918
  • Serial not known, 90th Aero Squadron, Lt. Harvey Conover and 2nd Lt. Velentine J Burger, October 1918
  • Serial "986", 99th Aero Squadron, Lt. Llewellyn, September 1918
  • Serial 5247, Capt. Clearton H Reynolds, 104th Aero Squadron, 11th November 1918
  • Serial not known, 258th Aero Squadron, Germany, May 1919
  • Serial not known, "Winius", 1 Eskadra Wywiadowcze, Polish Air Service, ex SAL 582 French Aéronautique Militaire.


















If ever there was a good reason to open your Salmson kit, or indeed order one from Wingnut Wings, this is kit. Whilst the Salmson's camouflage didn't exactly vary much from machine to machine, the personal and unit emblems here are very fetching and certainly evoke thoughts of the struggles of the Great War, and the tragedy for the French nation. As always with Pheon Decals, production and research are exemplary, and the product is of the highest quality. If you want a set of these, I suggest you head over to Pheon and buy them ASAP!


Very highly recommended


My sincere thanks to Pheon Decals for the review samples. To purchase directly, click THIS link.

James H




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