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I was wondering if any of you had any recommendations on a good magnifying lamp set-up. There are so many out there, I'm wondering what are the best brands and types.


I'm looking for something that would help with painting details, and also working with small parts such as photoetch. What kind of magnification would be best? My close-in vision is OK, especially if the subject is well-lit, but I just need a little help sometimes.


Thanks for any suggestions!






I would definitely not advise a magnifying lamp, its hard to keep both your eyes and the object at the same distance from the lamp in the focus point. I use an Optivisor but any brand will do, this works much easier as the distance from eye to lens is fixed. I need to check what magnification I use I think it's lens #5 




​I almost always wear the optivisor when building. Age dictates it now. A friend of mine gave me a small lighted magnifying lamp for Christmas. Very nice indeed. I also use the larger magnifying lamp. Need to take care of your peepers.




I just use the visor now tried the magifiying light didn't work so good been using the visor for about five years now got it off of e-bay for less than $20.00 USD got five different lenses with it use it over my regular glasses.




I've got a pair of dental loupes that work rather well - but man the depth of field on them is shallow, and it's hard to really get a realistic sense of distance.


Something I've found far more useful than any magnifier (aside from good lighting) is to take a camcorder (or camera) and a computer monitor, connect the two with HDMI, and use it as a giant magnifier.






WARNING - it can be very dispiriting to see your build at this kind of level of magnification!


AND ... I assume ... you can take WIP stills from the camera as well??


Brilliant idea Matt (why am I surprised??)


Wow, thanks for all the great suggestions! 


The video monitor set up will have to wait (brilliant idea!), but getting a nice set of magnifying visors sounds like a good start. I also need a good desk lamp to light the area well.  Last one I got burned too hot, which is why I thought a magnifying lamp would be good. Just need to shop around though.


Thanks again everyone!



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