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9 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


The prep work looks perfect and I fully understand your reasons for deciding to replace the Eduard PE panels with the Archer's Resin Decal Panels - nothing like peace of mind and they do look mighty good. I have to admit I've never seen them used before and from your update, they apply much differently then the Quinta Resin Decals I use. Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated.


This worked for me. 

Archer resin decals are applied like a decal.  Be sure not to cut close to the resin.  Leave as much carrier film as you can.  Use decal softener for the carrier film to meld to surface.  After full cure give a shot of lacquer based varnish the film will blend even better.

KEEP YOUR WATER HOT!  This will help the resin piece conform to any curve.  If the water is warm or cool the resin will curl away from surface.



Long ago I test fitted, test fitted and adjusted the IP comb so the photoetch gunsight would fit and not touch the windscreen.  After applying the HUD film the fit was a fail as the windscreen touched the gunsight.  Have no idea what happened. :BANGHEAD2: 

That said, I had to carefully remove the HUD film and re-work the IP, IP comb and other angst causing adjustments.  Finally got the fit correct. 

Mask inside/outside windscreen paint then glue windscreen and hopefully begin painting.

Using the Eduard film as a template, I cut the HUD "reflector glass" film to fit the PE.


HUD film secured with Future.  The "lens" was created before attaching the HUD film.  A silver decal cut to match the circumfrence on the pe part is positioned.  After cure, acrylic glue was carefully placed over the silver decal and cured with UV light.




Dryfit along with IP and Baker Bang Seat.  Pardon the dust.



With windscreen dryfit. 




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Took a nice long 3.4 mile walk on Rock Creek trail this morning with our Chocolate Labrador Boba.  Afterwards a little bench time on the A29 with good company.
Yup, he’s taking his post walk nap.
Windscreen masked and glued in place. Almost ready for painting…finally.
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Final masking ready to paint.
The starboard side has wing walk strips and should be sanded smooth.
You can see the starboard wing walk strips have been removed.  A little sanding and scribing.  Very EZ.
Wing walk area got a shot of MRP 77 NATO Black after full cure the raised strips are masked with 1.5mm strips.  A coat of Gunze Mr. Surfacer 1500 Black over NATO black.
Now ready to start applying overall Gunze 305 Dark Gray FS36118 finish.  Laying down some paint.  Marbling done.  Trigger finger angry at me.

Of course I find some hidden seams.  Will address then blend later.





Marbling blended with Gunze 305 Gray FS36118.  This will be the overall color.  Photograph (iPhone) does not show the color modulation very well. 






Masks removed from wing walk area.


Masks removed from wheel wells and DME antenna dome (Distance Measuring Equipment).  Minor touch ups needed.




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On to the prop boss and blades.  Going to give the prop boss a spiral finish.


Prop Boss got a base of Gunze 69 Off White over Gunze Mr. Primer Surfacer 1200 gray. The white base is to give the bright green some visual punch.  Then I cut spiral tape and secured in place.


Gunze 66 Bright Green applied.  Why the green prop boss? This A29 will be a VMFA-121 Green Knights livery.


After paint dry the spiral tape removed. Some very minor cleaning will be needed.

Those double stripe prop tips!  :hmmm: 

I knew going in this might be difficult.  Decals were out of the question.  Then I had an epiphany.  After an overall Gunze Mr. Surfacer 1500 black I hit the tips with Gunze Mr Surfacer 1200 gray.  This will help the white show up and limit the number of coats.


Maketar Utility Mask Series in 1mm strips are a beautiful thing.


I cut 3 short strips of 1mm strip tape about 6mm long and carefully removed keeping all three strips intact.  Slide an xacto blade and lift the three strips up at same together.


After tape is applied on prop blade you carefully peel back the center strip.  Now you have equal stripe spacing.


Masking method applied on the prop blade.  Do one side at a time.  You'll be surprised how easy this is.  Just a little time consuming.  Now apply some Gunze Mr. Surfacer 1500 Black followed by MRP 77 NATO black. Masks removed shows good equal spacing.


Laid out all prop blades with prop boss.  I'm happy with results.


Prop assembly was figitey at best. I used putty and gently pushed the frontplate into putty.  Then locate attach points for blade and carefully push into putty.



Carefully aligning each prop to the backplate into correct position with the prop blades.  A touch of glue (TET) secured each prop blade.



Prop boss secured.  I like the look and will be a great contrast to the overall Gunze 305 Dark Gray FS36118 finish.

Marbling blended with Gunze 305 Gray FS36118.  This will be the overall color.  Photograph (iPhone) does not show the color modulation very well.  Masks removed. 






Masks removed from wing walk area.


Masks removed from wheel wells and DME antenna dome (Distance Measuring Equipment).  Minor touch ups needed.




Prop test fitted.   I like the "color burst" on this.  There will be another splash of "green" on this bird.


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After a coat of varnish the decal application begins.  I cobbled decals from various LoVis offerings for F35, F18.  Also used some stencils from the FCM 48047 Super Tucano decal sheet.   Tail "splash of green" yields a nice contrast when paired with the prop boss.



After mounting the pylons I had a little fun with my magnet mount ordnance options.  Lots of mix n match in this birds future.  AGM 114's and Rockeye Mk.20's.  Cenetr mount is LANTIRN Pod.  All are Eduard products.

Nothing says "what a swell time!" more than cutting resin stuff. I love ResKit details. I just loathe the cutting, sanding and drilling.
The A29 wheel set is superb. Detail compared to the kit offering is measurable. The cutting and prep is a bummer.
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One of my favorite parts of a build is removing the canopy masking.  Happy no bleed on the windscreen.  Really pleased with the HUD film on the gun sight reflectors.

Exhaust pipes painted ALCLAD Pale Burnt Metal and Jet Exhaust.  The exhaust staining is peculiar on this aircraft.  Exhaust stain created using thinned Tamiya X19 Smoke.  Then sealed with Tamiya Flat Clear varnish and Mr Leveling Thinner brew 1:1 . 













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Not sure which drove me batty the most.  The 10+ PE pieces for each main gear leg only to find the main gear leg won't fit with the added PE pieces or the 9 piece ResKit wheel set fitting the hubs into the tire.  :BANGHEAD2:

The landing gear legs glued with epoxy after full cure the fun begins with the wheels.


Main gear dry fitted with resin wheel also dry fitted.  You can see the flare dispenser treated with decals from MAW Decals Hornets Part III.


After main gear glue cure I epoxied the wheels to the legs.  I used 5 minute cure Epoxy.  After about 3 minutes when the epoxy thickened I gently set the aircraft on the table to adjust the "weighted area" to sit properly on the surface.  The brake lines will be trimmed and fitted later.



After full epoxy cure I set the aircraft on her legs.  Then I played with the ordnance load-outs.  This load-out shows the FLIR, External fuel and and AGM114 Hellfire missiles.

All are magnet mounts.  I can swap out with GBU 12's and Rockeye Mk.20's.  Fun times!

The main gear hubs have yet o be attached.

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Terrific progress on your Tucano and completely agree all the finicky parts and the fit issues would drive me nuts as well - but so well worth it in the end.


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Because I have not played around enough with PE on this build.  :angry2:


5 pieces of PE used for front landing gear door.  The .5mm styrene rod are mount pins for the door which needed extended because the armor belt depth made the kit mount pins useless.

Almost 40 parts: PE, resin, wire, styrene rod and assorted Acrylic, CA and Epoxy glues the landing gear is done.

Once again I dove into the PE rabbit hole.  :)  I'm very happy with the added detail.  That detail comes at a cost...time. 




Look closely the landing lights on front wheel were made using Motlow Chrome paint.  Then a drop of UV cure acrylic glue for each lens gives an nice effect.


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The Baker brothers have arrived.  Lego jig for canopy placement.  Mirrors installed.

Time to wrap this up.


Each Martin Baker Mk.8 seats are enhanced with almost a dozen...wait for it.  PE parts.


I love any opportunity to use my kids' Legos as jigs.


Mirrors installed and the MDC (Minature Detonation Cord) is extra fine white EZ line.




Finished.  Clearly one of the longest most challenging builds I have ever done.  Happy to have this off my bench.  I started this build in 2016.  Several trips to SOD.  5.5 years later...here we are.  :)

USMC A29 VMFA 121 "Have Gun Will Travel"

This aircraft represents a USMC livery VMFA 121 Green Knights.  This is a fictional livery.  I wanted to do a USMC scheme and the VMFA 121 is perfect as one of this squadrons role is close air support.

Hobby Boss 1:48 EMB 314 Super Tucano

  • AVM A-29 Super Tucano conversion set
  • Eduard 48820 Exterior
  • Eduard FE690 Interior
  • Eduard EX436 Mask
  • Eduard 648155 GBU12 Paveway II (magnets installed and will use for future 1:48 modern aircraft ordnance)
  • Eduard AGM114 Hellfire Missiles (magnets installed and will use for future 1:48 modern aircraft ordnance)
  • Eduard 648548 LANTRIN Pod (magnets installed and will use for future 1:48 modern aircraft ordnance)
  • Eduard 648168 Mk.20 Rockeye II (magnets installed and will use for future 1:48 modern aircraft ordnance)
  • QuickBoost 48614 Gun Barrels
  • QuickBoost 48612 Exhaust
  • ResKit RS48313 Wheel Set
  • Archer 88003 Resin Decals
  • Gunze 305 Grey
  • Gunze 69 Off White
  • Gunze 66 Bright Green
  • Tamiya XF69 NATO Black
  • Tamiya X22 Clear
  • Tamiya XF86 Flat Clear
  • Tamiya X19 Smoke Clear
  • Valleijo Model Color 70870 Medium Grey (interior)
  • Valleijo Panzer Aces 70306 Rubber Gray
  • Alclad 104 Pale Burnt Metal
  • Alclad 110 Copper
  • MOTLOW Chrome
  • MIG Panel Line Wash
  • MAW 48014 Decals Hornets Part III for VMFA Green Knights tail art and flare dispenser.
  • FCM 48047 Super Tucano decals for a few stencils
  • Decal spares for all low vis markings

A29 Super Tucano with LANTIRN Pod and AGM114 Hellfire missiles and GBU12 Paveway II bombs load-out





A29 Super Tucano with LANTIRN Pod and AGM114 Hellfire missiles and external fuel tanks





A29 Super Tucano with LANTIRN Pod, GBU12 Paveway II bombs and external fuel tanks





A29 Super Tucano with Mk.20 Rockeye II cluster bombs and external fuel tanks






Lang gear represents 9 pieces of resin (wheels) and over 40 photo etch bits (leg and door detail) and a little wire.





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Brilliant work - detailing and finish are top notch. Most amazing of all how the Super Tucano made so many trips to and from the SOD, survived.


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