Hi and cheers from German part of Swiss,
so I speak German, hope my comments are still useful.
I would translate as
"Catch me if you can!" —> Fang mich falls Du kannst. And this with the Eierloch I never heard and would use, its to stupid
To the other saying:
'Zu schnell für Dich' to fast for you —> okay
'Krieg mich doch' Try catch me —> Fang mich
'Mensch ärgere Dich nicht' is the German name of the classic board game called Ludo in English. The meaning is: Man, don't get annoyed because you get kicked out often. —> OKAY but seldom used
'Schneller als die Polizei erlaubt' Faster than is permitted by the police —> OKAY
'Viel Feind viel Ehr' ' The more enemy, the more honor —> Viele Feinde (Plural) grosse Ehre
'Neid muss man sich verdienen' Envy you have to earn —> Neid muss man sich erst verdienen
'Schnell wie die Feuerwehr' Fast as the fire brigade —> OKAY common too is: Schneller als die Feuerwehr.
Thats it