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Everything posted by colt6

  1. Look ma, what the postman brought!! Will try to make some parts of the front with that stuff. Arno
  2. Hi, I was always a fan from the Bf 109 and I love the german camo. As a swiss guy i'm interested in the swiss version and so I decided to build all the different versions. Bought from Trumpeter the E-3, G-6 and from Revell the G-6, starting with this model. Also bought for this model the Eduard cockpit set ( fighting with me not to buy from Eduard the engine ) and from HGW the seat belts. It was my first model after maybe 20 years and I worked step by step after a book from J.M. Villalba. So also the first time I used an airbrush . My other book is from Georg Hoch Bf 109 in Swiss service, its also available in english and I just can highly recommend it. Colors are most Vallejo, just lets just start and not talk to much ( I know that my english is maybe sometimes very confusing ) Oh my god! when I look at the pictures and I see: how bad I fit the cockpit in to the body, shame on me!! So when your model just stand in front of you: not so bad! But if you made closeup pictures........ Thanks Arno
  3. Now a little gun bay Now I must go to my other hobby: Work Tomorrow painting the rest. Arno
  4. Hi Ralph, the nightfighter! Sounds great must take a look at the GB section. Thanks Arno
  5. I looking forward to my new Ju 88, will build together with my buddy. He will build the A-1 version. Arno
  6. Now a little cockpit painting. My main problem is: I paint and paint and it get darker and darker I fell in love with HGW Arno
  7. Thanks guys!! the clamps are just alufoil cut to small stripes and then glued around. Arno
  8. Hi, After my swiss Bf 109 G-6, I will try to build the He 162 in a "last ditch" edition After founding pictures from Klaus Herolds He 162 model and a few mails with him, I am happy to have a great guide. For sure I know, I never will reach him. But hey, you cant always be perfect Also I ordered a few aftermarket goodies from CMK, Eduard and Aires. So lets start with the engine: The first wires come into place. and more wires I know the wires are not very straight on my engine, but hey, I'm getting old! Arno
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