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Everything posted by colt6

  1. colt6

    He 219 A-7

    A great start!! Keep on! Will also follow.
  2. Gentlemen. After finishing the last few things like the antenna wiring and a few wet spots, I declare my ditching dio as finished. Maybe I will try the head and the face once again. My first water dio, but for sure not my last. Must say that it was just fun and learned that next time I will try a different way, so that it more looks like water. Thanks Arno
  3. Painting my GI Joe and realize: I need moooooooore training with figures!!!!!!!!!But anyway happy with the Verlinden Pilot, I think he fits perfect. Please don't look at his face: Thanks Arno
  4. Hi James! Thanks for this cool review! I listen to you and bought it together with the engine from Eduard.....we will see. Lol Arno
  5. WOW!Thanks for this great review, I know how much work this is!!!!!!! Makes me looking forward to your build!!!!! Thanks!!!
  6. WEEKEND!!!!!! Still fighting with the foam, It's to white and then ten min later it's me to blue. So it's an try an error for me. Lol But you know: it's my learning diorama. Anyway, today I bought Water Effects from Vallejo and I love this stuff, I think it work's great: Before it drys it's snow white. I know: I have too much foam! see: I learned something. Lol So anyway, let's start with the pilot! Oh my good! For me 1/48 it's sooooooo small Arno BTW: Thanks for your nice words gentleman, that really helps!!!!!!
  7. Here the story goes on: First time to work with Crystal Resin from Pebeo And now lets start a little with the waves and the bubbles in the water, just with Acrylic Gel and white acrylic color It's a little a fight for me: I didn't know exactly what I'm doing! Lol So thats all for this sunday. Hope it comes well at the end Arno
  8. And going on with painting
  9. Thanks gentlemen!! So I started with the water surface and wondering how it will come out and try the first colours Thanks Arno
  10. Speechless! A peace of art in my eyes and of course pure inspiration. Hope one day I reach this Level!! Arno
  11. Wow Ralph! The camo looks great!
  12. Hi Gentlemen, I'm already on my next project and hope it will end with an success. Lol I saw this picture and fell in love with the scene: And I had an Eduard 1/48 F6F-3 Hellcat leftover and bought a frame in my vacation. The escaping pilot I found from Verlinden So lets make the first cut And dry fit testing Great thing with Eduard are the separate rudders and flaps But its strange, the flaps are not mean to set in a lowered position, so try to build the inside with a little putty The Eduard PE seatbelts are not bad in 1/48. Okay: primered and pre shadow First blue Second blue Decals Weathering with Flory washes, I love them A little jump now, but I think you guys now better than I how to do all this little stuff. Thats so far I'm now As ever: sorry for my lousy english
  13. I like to show my first tank build. Especially I enjoyed the weathering, but maybe I made it to dirty. Lol.
  14. I'm wondering, are there any model builders on the island of Kauai? Will be there in three weeks.
  15. Wow! bought that kit also. So I just can learn from you!
  16. your definitely some one to learn from!!!!! phantastic
  17. finally got this thing, that I was most afraid: the Gi beside the cockpit. But after a view tips from you guys here, i was able to to one. Shure not the best, but for my first figure I can live with. First got his left arm in a near correct position First painting: looks like a zombie! Lol Think thats the best I can do for him Think he fits in the dio A view thing are missing, but the end is near........
  18. Got not that much time this week. Build the crushed oil cooler And tried to get the flaps in a right angle
  19. Oh thanks John!!! you are right! Have to paint it! Thanks
  20. First thanks for all the nice words, sometimes I need it!!! Okay, made a little snow and a dry fit test And now lets start to make a little mud on the plane First time I worked with pigments, on the tutorials it always looks easy, but for its hard to make it looking real.
  21. Hi John, just painted in black
  22. So, a little color to the gras Love playing with the mud!
  23. Made a little gras finally we gets some swiss milk chocolat on the path. Lol The next step will be, a little coloring of the gras and the mud Arno
  24. Just drill it with my Dremel
  25. Starting with the base. First painted black My dirt mixture from coffee, sand and just dirt. Mixed with water and white glue. Bought also Brickstones in 1/35, just had to try it And the first cote of RLM 75
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