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Everything posted by cib2265

  1. I really wish Panda would make the Hetzer from its 1/16 Pz 38 (t).....
  2. I love it! particularly the weathering = i think its spot on for that time period. well done!
  3. thanks Rick! I used the UMP clay based wash but wasnt that happy with it (not enough pigment in there?) I tried a home brew pin wash as well using Abt 502 black/brown that gave some effect but probably not enough. Building the Tamiya 1/48 Dewoitine D520 now and will give washes a better go there...still learning!
  4. Just realised I put this in the wrong place! In between building my Hobby Boss 1/16 Tiger I I've been doing some other armor builds to get my weathering skills up. Here are two I just completed, the Dragon M4A3(75) ETO Sherman and the Academy M3A1 Stuart, both in 1/35th scale of course. Great kits, had trouble with the Academy decals and the rubber tracks (stapled them in the end) whereas the Dragon decals were perfect (if bland) and the DS tracks an absolute joy. Dragon instructions as usual were terrible - they neglect to tell you to install an inner mantlet or where to drill holes on rear of turret for the spare MG holder....got there eventually: Tamiya paints used, plus Mig/AK pigments and washes (first time doing mud!) Comments and criticism most welcome!
  5. sorry about that , the "week or two" has stretched out a fair way - Ive been doing other builds, including aircraft that have gotten in the way! Will get back to the Tiger soon, I have a Tamiya 1/35 Panther I want to finish first.
  6. My 10th 1/48th kit, I think I'm slowly getting better at this: Out of the box, except the decals I used Aeromasters/EagleCals I think, alsoGunze and Tamiya paints, some Mig pigments and UMP washes and EZ line for rigging (forgot the downwire): Comments and criticism welcome!
  7. Thanks chaps - indeed the size is making me re-think the size of my stash, which I've built up too quickly! In fact the only place I can store the Tiger is where I keep all my armor kits, so I'll need to thin them out while building it... I had an attempt at installing the grub screws in the gun sleeve but stuffed it up to be honest (was not concentrating if I'm honest, damn ECB!) will have another go soon, but I'm putting the Tiger down for a week or two to finish a few other projects first to clear the bench before I get started on the lower hull. cheers
  8. Metal barrel installed and mantlet together - my trusty 1/35 Late Tiger for scale: Had to make a plug out of some heavy duty sprue from the kit as the barrel was too short, and also some spacers in the barrel sleeve to align the whole shebang;
  9. Just a quick update today, I need to get some more styrene before finishing the main mods on the turret, so I quickly filled the mantlet gap using 4mm strips, plus a small strip at the top. Heres the gap up top: Down below: Oh and here's some perspective! And gap filled: All done. So next job is to attach the gun/mantlet... Thoughts, criticism welcomed, thanks for looking!
  10. Since this tank is a June 1943 production, i.e the "last" of the early production variants, (the mid production variants started in July 1943 with a new turret design and cupola) it had a loaders periscope introduced in March 1943 (IIRC). This was the same 15mm welded steel cover thats on the drivers and MG operator hatches on the front, but the kit one is for a mid/late which is trapezoid shape for a wider view (and doesn't include a periscope anyway). So my next job is to modify one of the front hatch covers (just put an angle on the bottom to make it flush with the rising front turret roof) and install a spare periscope. Since Im replacing the front hatches (which are molded in shut) with two moveable white metal hatches with periscopes attached, I can use the spares in the kit. The cover is a bit thin too, so I'll cover it with putty to thicken it up and then with Mr Surfacer 500/1000. I had to cut open a slot for the periscope then try the new cover: Im making up a batch of liquid styrene which ill experiment on to fill those holes. Next the pistol port on the left back turret side in front of the stowage bin. The HB kit is supposed to approximate a October 1943 mid production vehicle, but its really a hodge podge, and should have included the pistol port (which was changed to a plug in July 1943 and then fully eliminated in March 1944) Here's the Bovington Tiger as an example: Problem is the spare track link holders are in the wrong place for a "late" early production model (they need to be moved forward 10mm on the left, 12/13mm on the right), and I wanted to get rid of the holding pin that attaches the middle of the track to the side of the turret, and these are too close to the pistol port, so I filled the holes first using some stretched sprue (didnt have the right tube in stock). Then calculated the position of the pistol port (from David Bryden's and looking at reference photos) and it just so happened that a reinforcing tab on inside of the turret is in the exact spot! luckily the fit was spot on, no fill required. Huzzah....phew this is taking forever. What's next? The gun and mantlet where I'll be modifying the kit as per Coen's method of eliminating the R/C pivot point and using the trunions and filling the gaps around the mantlet. Thanks for looking, comments and constructive criticism always welcomed.
  11. Doesnt look like a lot, but I feel like i was working on this all day! Heres the ventilator in place - its three bits, the Taigen/Heng Long white metal replacement, then a 0.2mm card base, with a 0.4mm wide flange over the top. I tried to put a lip around this as per the original drawings, I think its come out okay (1/35 Late Tiger for scale as always): The thickened cupola base - the white metal bit is actually a little too tall, this all measures up properly. I drained out the rain holes around the cupola too, just need to attack the handles on the hatch and add some map holder poles on the sides. And finally, a new lifting lug - there's no piece for this provided in the kit, I made one from a 1/35 Panzer III (I think?) return roller that I cut down to size and trimmed: Next up is the pistol port on the left, then the loaders periscope (not included) and then...more!!
  12. Well it's begun. This is a project I've been waiting an age to start and to acquire all the goodies. Its the R/C based Hobby Boss 1/16 Tiger 1 - purported to be an October 1943 mid production Tiger, but actually has features from all over the production line early through to late. This is actually a virtue as with the spare parts available (R/C and Tamiya 1/16 sprues) its a great base to turn into whatever model production you want. I've chosen a specific tank to model, its called "v. Eschnapur" No .122 from Gruppe Meyer, a small independent group of 8 Tigers that served in Italy and was eventually absorbed into Pz Abt 508. (see my signature for the actual tank) Here's a profile view (the most accurate I've seen according to photos): And my base photo for reference: I've got the Elite Armor decals with all markings provided, plus the full set of Aber PE and additional PE/antenna/MG/grill sets, plus an unknown metal barrel that was kindly donated by a local club member. Oh and the R/C white metal parts to convert the mid-production bits back to early and to add some further detail. First place to start was reorganising the mammoth box into proper subassemblies so I can tackle the project in stages: Then I started on the turret by cutting out the enclosed cupola bottom so I can put a commander figure in: Next, as I'm changing from a mid production to early production cupola I had to add a plate, cut out of 1.5mm styrene. Had to cut the inside out of this too. Not sure if this is completely right so might need to revisit this. Finally I installed the new escape port (with proper bevelled edge) on the right turret side and also cut down and filled the hole where the turret ventilator goes - I have to move it back and to the right for an early model. 3 hours latter and I"m knackered so I'll get back into this later. Next tasks are filling in that ventilator hole properly and installing the new one, then adding the pistol port on the left side and scratchbuilding a lifting lug in the rear stowage bin notch. Tell me if this is too boring or long, Ill par back the updates, but this is going to be a super fun construction build!!!
  13. Considering you could write technique books yourself Matt, that narrows the field for you! I admit I only have a handful of "hard" reference books, the majority of my library is online stuff (blogs especially are worth much more) but yes the Tankart ones are on the wishlist
  14. Thanks Dave - I've got his Spitfire and Mustang books, I'll have to get the F4U one!
  15. Got mine today - and yes a FAA version would be brilliant - I wonder if you can clip the wings?
  16. My Tamiya 1/32 stash grows with this arrival today: Sorry about the reflection....it also includes the clear parts for the cowling: 3 marking options - here's the foldout for one of them: My 3 year old daughter wants me to make "Skipper" from Planes - she immediately recognised him when I unboxed it - but I have no idea what I'll do when I eventually get around to this beautiful kit! The detail is breathtaking...
  17. After having a very good month at work (and I capped another good one this month, thankyou Bank of Japan!) I rounded out my Tamiya 1/32 collection with these: Doll and bike not included though.... I got the A6M2 Zero awhile back so this rounds out my 1/32 Tamiya stuff - but I will definitely get the F4U-1A when it comes out - would love to do a FAA version and probably the Spitfire IX or XVI. The two figures are 1/16 Tamiya that I've added to two others I've bought (Afrika Korps crewman and Wehrmact crewman) some of which I'll use in my upcoming 1/16 HB Tiger build. Oh and here's some others I got about a week ago - again, went nuts when I know I dont have the time or skills to start half of these in the next year! My first start at diorama stuff, I will keep adding to this lot: The Meng kit looks bloody awesome - my LHS owner also chucked in the Eduard PE and masks. The Eduard 109 is a cracker too: Some more 1/48 Tamiya "filler" kits - got some bagged kits for a bargain: I already have the FAA Avenger, but I bought another for a FAA diorama I'm planning - and the Meng 410 is a beauty. I just bought the Hasegawa Henschel 129 with the 75mm cannon to pair this up: Another Meng monster - the Char 2C - this is huge: Last night on ebay I was able to score the brilliant 1/16 Tamiya Kubelwagen kit - the Afrika Korps version with Rommel and driver figure - will show piccies when it comes from Japan in a few weeks.
  18. Fantastic weathering! Can you explain how you achieved that effect? Ive got a sharp learning curve in front of me watching this and Doogs build....
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