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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Posts posted by PAnderson

  1. As far as I know, neutron bombs kill people and leave infrastructure relatively intact. But that is a relative term.


    From Wikipedia:

    Neutron bombs are purposely designed with explosive yields lower than other nuclear weapons.[citation needed] Since neutrons are absorbed by air,[citation needed]
    even a high-yield neutron bomb is not able to radiate neutrons beyond its blast range and so would theoretically have no destructive advantage
    over a normal hydrogen bomb. However, the intense pulse of high-energy neutrons that is generated is intended as the principal
    killing mechanism, not the fallout, heat or blast. Although neutron bombs are commonly believed to "leave the infrastructure intact",
    current designs have explosive yields in the kiloton range,[20] the detonation of which would cause considerable destruction through blast and heat effects.

    Neutron bombs could be used as strategic anti-ballistic missile weapons or as tactical weapons intended for use against armored forces.[citation needed] The neutron bomb was originally conceived by the U.S. military as a weapon that could stop massed Soviet armored divisions from overrunning allied nations without destroying the infrastructure of the allied nation.[21]



  2. Thanks All, It was a refreshing change of pace from WW2 subjects. Really love this WW1 stuff now. And  I am really looking forward to the Great War GB. Haven't picked my subjects yet but since we have over a year to decide............what will it be?


    Jeroen, yes it was EZ-Line. Nice stuff to work with but expensive.



  3. Better late than never. Had to finish my D.H. 9 first. So, here it is, my entry into the Me GB. Trumpeters 1/32 Swallow. This will not be the clear version.




    White 17 from the decal set.




    And a picture of her during the war.






    I hope I can do this by the end of June. The way work has been going, I'm not so sure.

    • Like 1
  4. Here is my finished D.H.9a in US Marine colors. A plane from this
    unit received the first US Marine Medal of Honor. Here she is. I am not
    quite happy with the outcome of the colors, a tad too yellow in my
    opinion. But there is no going back. I almost wish I had stayed with the
    kit colors.. She is built out of box other than the Bob's Buckles for
    the rigging. Oh yeah, the


    was many firsts for me. First WW1, first biplane, hence my first
    rigging job. Oh yeah, the


    The picture I went by.



    Here she is as built.

























    So, I hope you like her. Some disappointments but overall a really god experience.

    • Like 4
  5. I see the section for the ship GB. Is this still a go considering the new path this forum is going down? I think ships should be an integral part of a Large Scale Modeller forum. They are the biggest models out there. I am a ship builder and would love to have the forum be a place to build and discuss those kits we choose to build. Is aircraft and armor the only subjects to be allowed here?




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