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About Daniel_Roxy

  • Birthday 03/24/2001

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    Airfix modules/tanks/plains/WW2 era vehicles and more.

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  1. It's been a while since I updated this. I have been to Bovington tank museum afew times since then as well both for Tiger Day and Tank Fest. Both great shows and a great chance for a good look around at armour and get plenty references for weathering and such. Here's a update on the model tho. Added some small details with painting the clips and fixings on the stowage boxes. Back has all been painted and glued together. Upper and lower hull have been glued together as well. 6 of 8 engine hatches have been glued on in the open position. The turret can just clear the ones on the left side so glad I can make that work. And some other small details here and there
  2. Little update. Been to Tank Fest a little bit ago. Was a good time plenty of running and static armour to look at. Got some cool photos for referencing weathering too. Will have to find a place to drop all those for other to use as well. But here's my bit of progress. Most of the turrets major components painted and staring on the back of the hull.
  3. Would love to see some in progress photos of that weathering. I never understand how it looks so real 😅 amazing work.
  4. It has been a while since I put an update out. Both sets of tracks are now on and all glued in place. I found the lugs for the sprocket wheels to be a bit to small and short so had to bend them out a bit at the ends to stop the wheels from falling off while the glue was drying. Weathering is all on now for the tracks and lower hull. Looks good I think 😅 The tracks themselves need some dirtying up but I'll get round to that sooner or later. also started painting the parts for the addon armour and turret
  5. Not too good at blending. But it's definitely looking pretty good. Loving the detail on the engine. Painted the rocker covers with a more olive drab look. Think it really makes the engine just look that extra bit
  6. Abit more work. Got some nice things for weathering. And put the engine together. Still got the exhausts air intake pipe. And some other bits to put on. But it's coming together. Just had a little go dry fitting the engine and transmission and it's starting to look pretty good.
  7. Been working on little bits over the week. Got most of the engine parts painted in a dase colour. Will post photos later But I have painted the fuel tanks in a patchy sort of way and then detailed and weathered them with some washes. Definitely getting better with that sort of thing
  8. All of the suspension arms have now been fixed in, Road, Sprocket and return rollers painted and some weathering added, tracks have also been cut from sprues,cleaned up and primed + painted. It took some time to get most of the simpler parts stuck together. And then everything has now been primed
  9. Looks really good. Personally being also an avid game player I use WarThunder for images and ideas of things like how stuff should look. The tanks are modeled really well and you can preview anything in any nation so gives a good 3D model you can look at. Might be helpful might not.
  10. The level of detail is pretty damn good. Love the fact that there is actually torsion bars modeled in and fitted together properly. Unfortunately it's gonna all be glued in place as the plastic doesn't have enough strength to actually work. And the shock absorbers can't pivot or move angle wise. But it all fits and looks great together
  11. There. That's better. Got the wheels all done. Added some black wash and oil/grease to them as well. Got all the suspension and running gear parts done and ready to be put on.
  12. Quite helpful thanks. Been using videos from the chieftain for info. Not quite sure why I decided the rollers were metal honestly 😅
  13. I don't find it to bad. Tho it is annoying getting the colours to not cross sometimes. Although making any kind of Churchill tank is an exception. Or German for that matter. So so many road wheels ha ha
  14. Here some work. Been doing the road wheels and return rollers. Started with adding the weathering to them as well.
  15. Looking awesome so far. Love the headlights and all the smaller details. Will be following along for this one.
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