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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Posts posted by smitty44

  1. 53 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Oh boy. Crazy man with a telephoto lens taking pics of a Marine Base. 

    Can you say "armed takedown", boys and girls?

    My phones camera

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Happy Birthday there Marine!

    Off to San Fran for the weekend for ya I expect?  I know how much you LOVE San Francisco and all.

    Actually I am at Camp Pendleton listening to 155 Howitzers off in the distance. Douchemeister.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Vandy1 VX-4 said:

    If i knew earlier I would have you stop by and pick up my Seeker OSP and a Penn 40nr   Look into the new Penn reels!!!!  nice real nice  Avet is not to far from me. but I don't have any. Almost won one in a raffle a week ago :wallbash:   Good luck buddy  I have been hearing a lot of great things of the Vagabond. I think my buddy was on it last week.


    Going on the excel in july!

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Vandy1 VX-4 said:

    What do you use for a heave set up? Rod reel?

    I didn't bring my own stuff this time, using loaner gear. Most of my gear is old and tired and I am starting to upgrade to Avet/Seeker set ups. I do have a Avet JX Raptor with a seven foot jig stick for throwing irons and bombs. New stuff is amazing but dang is it expensive.

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  5. 57 minutes ago, Vandy1 VX-4 said:

    Smitty don't forget Military hobbies and Coast Airbrush Not far from Brookhurst.   Also the Long fin and Fisherman's accesses.  Hope you have a Great time on your Tuna trip. What Boat?  how many day ( Days ) trip?

    Vagabond, three day. I am actually going to see the Angels play the Dodgers tomorrow, so Meltons Int Tackle is right down the street. Bluefin and Yellowfin in 1.5 day range so a three ought to get er done. Thanks!

    • Like 2
  6. Title says it all. A little bday road trip culminating in some bluefin tuna fishing out of beautiful San Diego California. Prayers for a safe trip much appreciated! I'll be online though at times. Get to visit my old LHS where it all started, Brookhurst Hobbies in Garden Grove! Later sukkas!

    • Like 5
  7. 2 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    Here in Spain they are called Peto and if you want an explanation, the fishermen tell you it's kind of a white tuna. They do look like something between a Tuna and a Barracuda, but they are like smitty said part of the Mackrel family and can be as long as two meters and they taste pretty good with a salsa made of fresh mangas, red onions, chily lime and a little bit of palm honey.

    Cheers Rob

    I looked up peto after I saw that and got dozens of pictures of some naked male porn star...barf!!

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  8. They are in the King Mackerel family. Actually they dont have big scary teeth, it is a row of fine razor sharp ones. Most cuts come from handling them. Crew are quick to club them once in the boat. What sets them apart though is they have been known to jump into boats. If you are fishing them by casting and retrieving a jig you have to pause before taking your jig out of the water as they will follow it right into the boat. Many an angler has been injured this way.

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  9. On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 7:19 AM, DocRob said:

    Couldn't resist, I'm so happy and got 5 kilos of freshly caught Peto or White Tuna or Wahoo or whatever it is called in other places on the market today for nearly nada.

    Cheers Rob



    Wahoo or Ono as it is called in Japan and Hawaii. White Tuna is more like Albacore.  I am actually going fishing for these in July. Teeth so sharp they will filet you open in a heartbeat.


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