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Steve D

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. I received my Hasegawa 1/16 Sopwith Camel on Thursday as well. I didn't have to pay any taxes or VAT or anything because I live in Australia. As Dave mentioned, our Kiwi friends are also similarly blessed (I guess there are some advantages living "Down Under" [though we probably pay more for postage!])
  2. Grant, I have seen a YouTube video of Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame) assembling a bipedal strandbeest and he has two others on his desk. He demonstrates the model that I built, and displays a 3D printed version. When will I be able to afford one of those 3D printers? The problem would be that you would HAVE to tell everyone you meet, and they would ALL have a list of objects that need printing. You'd never get any rest after that.
  3. This might not qualify as a large scale model. The full size Strandbeest "creatures" are up to 20 metres in length and 3 metres tall. The model is about 20cm by 20 cm and about 19 cm tall. "Strandbeests" are the creations of Dutch kinetic artist Theo Jansen, a true genius. He created these creatures that roam the beaches near his home, and has developed various forms of the creatures ("strandebeest" is Dutch for "beach creature"). Check out YouTube or Google images of these creatures and models. I just assembled my model (Animaris Ordis Parvus) and had little difficulty doing so (though it does get tricky in some parts). I hope you can enjoy these "creatures" as I have. Truly fascinating, and wonderful in motion. I apologise for not showing you the model, but I do not have a Photobucket account.
  4. Grant, Yes, I suspect the package from HGW will not be very expensive, being flat-packed PE and fabric seatbelts etc, but I ordered over $AUS200 worth (about 20 separate packets - detail sets for WNW and PE enhancements and fabric seatbelts as described). I really did not want to have to pay exorbitant prices for packaging and handling etc. I also always choose the cheapest shipping method they have available. Some establishments offer "Express Courier Service" in 2-3 days, and "Courier Service" in 7-8 days, and "Worldwide Shipping" in a few weeks via normal Postal Service form the country in question. My modelling is glacially slow, so I don't mind waiting I have purchased some goods from other European countries and had to pay their national debt apparently. These are just to enhance the models I already own, not the full sized box for Pete's sake! As I said, shipping a wooden model ship kit from UK or Europe....YIKES! They generally INSIST on courier delivery, as a signature is required for such an expensive item (sometimes several hundred dollars).
  5. Dave, Ordered mine from Hobby Link Japan, along with the 1/16 Sopwith Camel from Hasegawa. I just ordered a bunch of PE and fabric seatbelts from HGW in Czechoslovakia (for WNW kits) and asked them about their estimated shipping costs. I will have to wait for the reply to see whether I'll go ahead with that order (well, I'll go ahead with it, but reduce the goods until I can afford the shipping charges). I have ordered a few model ships (wood) from overseas, and they are unbelievably expensive to ship due to their large size and weight, but it's a price I have to pay for my hobby and living "down under". One thing no-one has to worry about...Wingnut Wings ship free of charge anywhere in the world (thanks Sir Peter Jackson). If you Kiwis bulk order some stuff, PM me and maybe your cousins "across the ditch" can benefit and alleviate the costs a little.
  6. Ralph, That is stunning! The weathering is superb! Congratulations.
  7. Hmm... Although historically accurate, I don't know about modelling an aircraft as a beer transport. Yes, great for troop morale and everything, but I see these magnificent aircraft as weapons of war, not cargo vessels. I do know that Adolf Galland had a basket of fresh lobster and some champagne on ice in the rear of his Messerschmitt to attend a birthday party for "Oncle Theo" (Theo Osterkamp - an ace in BOTH World Wars - 32 in WW1 and 6 in WW2). He actually entered combat with his party supplies on board...classy guy, that Adolf Galland). I might actually purchase this set for other purposes, as they are very well made barrels, great for dioramas etc.
  8. I have placed an order for mine as well. I'm not terribly concerned about price or shipping charges. EVERYTHING almost doubles in price when you add in shipping all the way to Australia. It's a price we pay for the privilege of living "down under". SIGH! I have the Spit, the Zero and the P-51 in this series, and am not all that excited by the Corsair, but I just recently sat through the "Black Sheep" TV series on DVD, and knowing the extra quality of these kits, I thought "Why not?"
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