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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Wumm

  1. Went looking again to see if the shipping restrictions have been lifted from Germany.

    Yes and no. Wanted to get some spark plugs for the Eduard BMW motor on my Fw-190 build. Apparently the only shipping available to Au is via UPS, at 40 Euros a pop. That's $83 Au for a small tray of resin parts including shipping. For that price I can get the full Eduard resin combo set; motor, prop, wheels and landing gear.


    Yeah, nah.

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  2. People will say it's complicated, but it's really quite simple Harv...

    The 109 G was an air superiority and fighter bomber aircraft used by the Axis forces in World War 2.

    Whereas, 109 F is approximately 42.8 degrees Celsius.


    • Haha 5
  3. Yes, it looks like a green shift to that photo, but the Camo is basically right. The point of your choice of paints is to try to show contrast between the two RLM greens, that are close enough for your own tastes.

    The RLM 71 changed noticeably over time, especially as the yellow component faded out of the solution... The colour left behind a lighter and more grey green. As shown on this Heinkel sitting with one of the Do 335 pre-production machine. The RLM 70 on the Dornier rear spinner giving a good comparison.


    Your choice looks good to me, a little yellow for my tastes but should look fine once the RLM 70 is added.


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  4. Harv,

    To my knowledge, there is no specific resin cockpit set for the A-5 variant. However some others come close:

    Aires make a D9 'pit in resin that is 95% identical to the radial variant, only a real Luftwaffe Nerd would pick the differences.


    Eagle Editions also do a specific A-8 pit that again is basically the same as the A-5 airframe. The beauty of this set is that it has separate sidewalls, that allows you to leave the kit-supplied detail in that area should you not want go to the trouble of scraping and sanding away all the details, making for a much simpler build... The bummer is that the Crandalls are currently out of stock.


    Cutting Edge did one many years ago for the D9, but it's not generally available anymore. The Eduard set for the newer Revell kit had fantastic details, but will not fit without a lot of work (as the two kits' cockpits are different lengths and widths.)




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    16 hours ago, BradG said:

    Doubt is the corner stone of all scientific advancement. 

    This is a fact...

    The purpose of Science is not to discover the truth; but to manufacture doubt by establishing which Theories cannot be falsified. Scientific Laws (Newton's Law, Kirchoff's Law etc.) are misnomers... these are merely Theories based upon accepted outcomes according to the limits of the available testing. Ergo, Scientific Concensus and Peer Review belong in the same category. 

    However; Methodological Doubt, when taken to the extreme is the antithesis of Science. This is also a fact... Questioning everything for the sake of obstinacy. The current trend of deconstructing established norms around Climate Change, Critical Race Theory and even Political discourse seems to be thriving in the current vacuum created by the uncertainty of Covid-19. And to call someone out, even if you have factual evidence that runs counter to their beliefs, somehow makes you guilty of Heresy.

    The inherent problem with applying doubt to any Theory lies in basing your skepticism on empirical evidence that runs counter to the established norms; and not merely on rhetoric that you've stumbled upon through confirming your own unconscious bias. The Covid-19 experience in Australia has few parallels with that of the United States.

    The Authorities here where I live are ignoring the Medical evidence, and creating doubt in the Community. There is no consistency between their words and their actions. Anyone who raises a contrary argument is belittled and humiliated. The requirement to wear masks in Medical facilities was revoked on the 1st of October, and tens of thousands of people are allowed to attend Football matches in crowded Stadiums. Yet they still say not enough people are being tested for Covid-19.

    If they want more people to be tested (which backs up their belief that it's still spreading throughout the Community), then why are they allowing thousands of unrelated and therefore virtually untraceable individuals to congregate together without any PPE or Social Distancing.

    How does any of this make sense?


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  6. Calm down Dear...

    On 10/21/2020 at 10:22 PM, TonyWills said:

    People doubting figures, questioning the truth, wondering what is "really" going on?

    It's getting to be like conspiracy theory central here.

    Skepticism and dissenting opinions are the cornerstone of Scientific advancement. Without them, we'd still believe that the Earth was flat, or would still be prescribing the inhalation of Mercury vapours to cure the Dropsy.

    As I've pointed out elsewhere in this thread; in May we had a Nurse working in an Aged Care Facility, who was merciless hauled over the coals by the State Government for going to work while experiencing Covid symptoms. However in September, the State Premier herself continued working for four days while displaying the very same symptoms; visiting several Regional Cities and coming in contact with hundreds of people. 

    Would you care to explain how this paradox makes any sense whatsoever?

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  7. Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose...

    On 10/12/2020 at 6:26 AM, HubertB said:

    I do not think that the comparison with other public health crises like alcoholism, illegal drugs consumption, opioid drugs consumption, or, for that matter, tobacco consumption, is a valid one.

    First, people have the choice to consume or not these substances. Yes, they can decide to put their health at risk, and one can consider they are thus exercising their personal freedom. But they are normally just putting their own health at risk, and not jeopardising others’ health and well-being.

    Freedom is an abstract construct. Freedom is an individual's own opinion and sense of values that might make little sense to the next person. Freedom and The Golden Rule are at complete opposites of the behavioral spectrum.

    On Friday night here in Brisbane, an estimated 20,000 people were locked out of a Football Stadium when there was a ticketing glitch. 20,000 people crammed together in a 200 metre squared space, very few with masks and no-one Social Distancing. 


    Very few seemed concerned. No-one was fined, after seeing the Hoard forming ahead of them and choosing to barrel-on in anyway. No one thought to themselves... "My health and my life is worth more to me than the price of a $50 ticket."

    5 million people in our state, heading towards 1.2 million Covid tests and yet still only 1,164 positive cases to date. They've tested 20% of the population here, and seemingly can't give the Virus away for trying. Health Authorities keep calling for more people to get tested, in a seemingly desperate attempt to create an environment conducive to keeping the State border closed. Reports come out regularly about the Virus being found in Sewage treatment plants all over the State, but without empirical evidence of whether it's confirmed Covid-19 antibodies or merely "a Coronavirus", which can apparently just be the Common Cold.


    The longer this goes on, the less things are adding up.


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  8. 52 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

    Steve, how much of this is applicable to the D9 kit? I have one of those to do one day. 


    Exactly the same Carl...

    The D-9 came first, and Hasegawa designed the Anton variants around that extant kit, even to the point that they've used the Fieseler late wing on their A-5 and A-6 kits.

    Anton fuselage on the spar and lower wing...


    Paired with the Dora fuselage in the same configuration. The wing sprues in these kits are interchangeable.


    Spar sitting in position in relaxed state, although exaggerated greatly here. Note the gap at the far edge of the U/C bay...


    Taping wing to wing tightens things up nicely and ensures the correct dihedral while everything sets.



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  9. On 10/13/2020 at 4:41 AM, harv said:

    Got a question,  should I glue upper and lower wings befor attaching wing to fuse ?.....harv


    The wing spar/undercarriage bay piece has notches facing upwards to accept the fuselage; this greatly assists in getting a snug fit. Have the taped-together fuselage sitting ready to slot into place once you've applied glue to the wing uppers and lowers, and pop the fuselage in between without glue to ensure a snug fit. Use some tape across the top of the gun cowl from tip to tip while everything sets.



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  10. 1 hour ago, [CAT]CplSlade said:

    So you died, then?


    Dr.Dave is an actual Doctor, an ICU specialist Physician in the UK. When he says 'personally', he means there for them when Covid Patients drew their last breath.

    From the ONS data:


    Ostensibly, 1% of total deaths in the UK doesn't appear to be particularly problematic. However; the time, effort and the drain on resources caused by Covid is a major factor. Winter is coming, cases are increasing in the UK, and bed capacity (in green at the end) is filling fast.


    Standard medical testing and diagnosis of other conditions is being left by the wayside. For instance, I haven't received my Fecal Occult test in the mail this year, that the Au Government sends out to over 50's on a yearly basis.

    Hoping to get it by Halloween...


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  11. On 10/6/2020 at 5:13 AM, harv said:

    Test fitting the cowl. Needs a little work....harv



    Just some advice for when you eventually get back to this build...

    A lot of Modellers, both experienced and novice alike, have trouble with the fitment of the cowl to the lower wing section on this particular kit. The engine facia part is usually a very tight fit within the channel inside the cowl parts, and if not seated correctly can force the cowling to be too wide especially at the bottom where it meets the lower wing parts. Because of the multi-part nature of the lower cowl and cheek bulges, it's easy to miss this extra width until you put it all together; only to find that the lower cowl sits outside of flush by a couple of millimetres each side.

    To get a snug fit of these lower wing parts: file down the back of the engine facia part so that it's not inhibiting the fit of the cowl when it's in place; and make sure that you tape together the fuselage, wing spar and all four wing parts (including the centre section) and test fit the cowl first so that there's a snug fit underneath before you commit glue to the power egg parts.


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