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About spliffsecond

  • Birthday 11/07/1974

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    Asse - Belgium

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  1. Thank you very much, still following the site. just no space or time to build. Half way trough my house build, hope to finish in the springtime. grtz free
  2. “Don’t eat the yellow snow” F. Zappa grt free
  3. Thanx Rob, The reason for the dustcolor on the underside is that I wasn't shure wich color to use, so I started with dust on the underside, I do like it but there would be to much contrast on the top side so there I went with a dark blue. Meaby I'll ad some dust on the topside to, but not so pronounced as on the underside. Grtz Free
  4. Good evening gents, the underside is more or less finished Topside is getting there, still some clean up to do Left top wing came out great right top wing will have to be hidden under a tarp or something, due to the thick layer of clear I lost all fine rivets and after a wash it just doesn't look right. To bad now I need to detail the auxiliary bay and then it's on to final mat clearcoat and finishing. 4 weeks left, I hope I'll finish her until then Grtz Free
  5. Thank you for the nice comments, I continued glueing and decalling. Made a start on the panel line wash Still lots of small things to paint, adjust and ... My bench at the moment, better start packing it up Untill next time, Grtz free
  6. Hello gentleman, A year has passed and I finally dicided to continue with my Corsair. I have a small window of a few weeks before my workplace needs to be converted to our improvised living space while we demolish our actual home, to construct a new one. So I dicided to start glueing assembly's together and apply the remaining decals. It's slow going because I have to get in the groove again. the gap between the wings seems a bit to wide, it's better on the other side That's all for now. Grtz free PS: a lot of pictures are missing because my provider changed URL's. If my old post could be reopened I could change the URL's and have the pictures reappear.
  7. Thanks guy’s i think the se5a will fly sooner then later the trees are close, but they protect from the wind, so it’s a trade off. @coolboxx you are making nice progress, from wood to covering in under one month is an endavour. Chapeau (hats off) I have found a site with realy helpfull and wise people http://www.hippocketaeronautics.com/hpa_forum/index.php Grtz free
  8. Hi gents, I just noticed that post image changed URL's and all my images are not showing, I will try to rectify that. Got some concistend flights with the piper, confidence is growing to try the Se5a rest of the turns after a failed attempt, I like the slow stable flightpath I also made a catapult glider, those are real fun, not really scale. grtz free
  9. I am waiting for the winds to die down a bit. I’ll keep you guy’s posted grtz free
  10. Nice, looks not so easy for a first build. Take a look around on the forum I posted my build, there are a good number of tips for beginners. Try to start on an magnetic buildingboard ( galvanised plate and magnets from your local DIY) it will make it a lot easyer then with pins. Take your time. Grtz free
  11. The rubber band is attached to a hook on the propellor side and the loop goes around a peg in the back. There are a number of possibilities at the propellor side, but I am still a novice. Grtz free
  12. It weighs 40 grammes balanced, the same weight as the prototype from the designer. Thats the challenging part, adding scale detail without weight. No resin conversion sets here I really liked the scrathbuilding part. grt free
  13. @ docrob : this is a kit from Vintage Model Company, based in England. They have an online shop Here. Altough I added a lot myself, this is how it looks when you follow the building instructions I have a build log here Svenson is a well known brand, my dad build those in the 80’s. But I recall they are more 1/8 scale and up wich is rather big. I have seen scale free flight models who can rival with scale plastic builds. So no excuse there sorry for the brainbug, but I think you will enjoy it. Building is just one aspect, afterwarts you can go outside and have fun with it, witch usually results in more building. grtz free
  14. Thanx guys, yes, you can fit an electric motor for free flight. And you can even convert them to rc. Grtz free
  15. Good evening Gentleman, The corsair is on hold again, because I found something new to me. Free Flight Rubber models. I finished my first one, I scratched all the rigging and armement. And the nice thing is, they fly this is not the Se5a yet, I need some experience so I made a Piper and that one flies already This pleases me a lot so it will be autumn before I resume plastic modeling Grtz Free
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