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About KeithB

  • Birthday 01/20/1951

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Wem, Shropshire UK
  • Interests
    Modelling, photography and modern military history (particularly 1939 onwards) georgian Navy.

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  1. When I saw all those amazing rivets, my first thought was. Madman! why is he trying to convert it into a Shackleton?? Seriously, great job so far. Keep it coming.
  2. Thanks Pal, I'll keep a weather eye open on the off-chance. You never know!
  3. I know nothing about 21st Century Kits, tell me more!
  4. Are you actually insane or are you still working on it?? Seriously an incredible piece of work. I absolutely love it, everytime I look at the pictures I spot something new. You do realise 'they' will take your tools and paint off you before you go in the padded cell?
  5. She looks fantastic. I like a bit of subtle weathering, so glad you haven't gone down the 'Make the panel lines look like trenches' road. Never seen it in real life so don't really want to see it on 1/32 aeroplanes. To my eyes Tom, your weathering is spot on, well done indeed! The Ju88A-4 is next on the bench and then maybe, just maybe (where the hell would I put it??
  6. Well, it do look nice and I for one can't see the joins! Really great job. I'm about to make a start on the ju88A-4 recently acquired for a very favourable price, just waiting for seatbelts. If it looks anything like yours (without dive bombing the floor!) I shall be very happy. I have had a bit of a soft spot for 88s since I built Airfix's 1/72 offering in the sixties.
  7. Lovely job! I'm seriously cosidering building one of the beauties as an FAA Corsair MkII.
  8. Well for an old 'un it looks fabulous!
  9. I use undiluted car screenwash in mine, works a treat!
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