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Peter Hickey

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  1. Hi, Some thoughts. Myself, I would look at Dragons offerings...the fit is good, reasonably accurate for most of us, although I'm not sure about separate track links, I think (although not 100 perfectly sure) they come with Dragons DS track which isn't half bad and looks pretty good when done. Dragon stuff usually comes with loads of extras. However the instructions as per Dragons typical style can be confusing...dry fit, dry fit, dry fit...look at some online builds..you'll get the idea. However, they have to be one of the most enjoyable builds in my experience. I've been building armour for at least 20 years and it is without a doubt one of my favorite kits to build..and I'm not even all that interested in building tigers..but I have 3 in my stash...I know right?..really good value for money. Engineering wise, it's a brilliant kit, I just felt that it more or less fell together..I've built 3 for clients over the years. Tamiya is always wonderful, you can't go wrong, instructions are always well thought out, engineering is fantastic...although I do think that Tamiya takes some shortcuts and simplifies shapes..though in the end it looks like a Tiger. AFV Club, I haven't built the Tiger but I did build the Sturmtiger for a client, nice, but overly complicated...some nice builds out there though. Italeri - Not knowing... These are just my thoughts, not perfect by any stretch, other may know way more than myself. Have fun, Pete
  2. Super clever display..love it..may steal the idea one day... Excellent work. Peter
  3. Thanks for posting...your Lanc is brilliant...keep going, almost there. Regards, Peter
  4. Wow..a show stopper for sure, looks great, well done. Regards, Pete
  5. Cool, what a life. Thanks for posting. P
  6. Yep, I know this pain..even though I live in North Vancouver I have tracked my packages to the Richmond Depot, roughly under 30 k, and there they go into a black hole...to emerge maybe a couple of weeks later...not sure why, but I suspect it is a combination of job cutbacks and more packages being shipped via mail these days... Unfortunately, it is what the Canadian Mail system is these days.. Pete
  7. Wow, perfect for jet cockpits to busy them up...cool stuff.
  8. Well, yes it will rain..it wouldn't be the Fall show without rain...if you do donate that would be great...not required by any means, by much appreciated.
  9. Wait?..What?..It's that time of year again, IPMS Vancouver is having their 48th Annual Fall Show...loads of excellent work, 2 rooms of vendors, make and take for the kids and door prizes..do We have door prizes!..what a great way to spend a Saturday ..inside...not a drop of West Coast liquid sunshine will come your way... http://www.ipmsvancouver.com/fall-show/ Always a fairly good selection of LSP's....Hope to see you there...
  10. Schmitt Vac memories, probably not good ones either...Thanks very much.
  11. Thanks for the welcome..I'm a lurker from a way back....someday I will post photos... If I remember correctly the Revell "MASH" truck provides the starting point for the conversion, as it is a single tire tandem axle, which is what the old Duece is/was..then a bit of choppin', gluein' and some swearing and it might work. I looked at conversion recently and thought that maybe the grill could be 3D printed or lasered, it it strikes me that would be the toughest part to get right...or for me it would. It's a big job ...but you'll be the only kid on the block with one. P
  12. Hi, The only conversion kit I know of is an old (1970's?) Schmitt vacuform, they were from Germany, I have one and it took me a long time to find it. However there are a couple of scratch builds on line, or there were at one time. Even with the conversion kit there is a ton of work to do. Not for the faint of heart. Back in the day I got my 404's on the Deuce and half.... Regards, Pete
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