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About ScottsGT

  • Birthday 12/24/1962

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    Ridgeway, SC
  • Interests
    Never growing up!

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  1. Jeeze, I’m having flashbacks of building my 1:1 scale ‘66 Mustang. My body panels are all custom fitted with exact gaps. Nothing like the crap Ford put out back in the day.
  2. Hey John, check with Tim at B&B resin for a P-40K tail. He has an improved version out now and you can use it to build a K from the abundant E kit. I have one on the way.
  3. I loved that show! It was the first TV show that I loved and the wife lost her mind trying to keep up with it. I laughed, she told me to watch it after she went to bed. 🤣 I’ve always loved the odd sy-fi or fantasy genre while the wife likes mindless laugh track enhanced comedies.
  4. Decals done and satin clear (Microscale Micro Satin) applied and still drying. Next will be all that volcanic dust weathering that hides crooked lines and silvered decals.
  5. Well I’m not as steady with the paint pen as I thought I’d be. Got a few ugly lines. Was also hitting the roughness of the yellow where it was taped. In hindsight I should have just used the black decal outlines instead of free handing it. Maybe some extreme weathering will hide the ugly.
  6. Yea, it took a while for me to figure out how I wanted to organize my build table and storage. I almost went with a set of drawers under the bench but quickly realized that would eat up leg room. I had the old riser off my folding table and used it by adding some wood to hold the bins in place along with outlets. All those items was what I used to spend lots of time digging for in my old tool cabinet drawer. Sometimes I would spend almost a half hour looking for a certain tool. Now it’s at my fingertips Heres a better view right after I finished the bench. No kidding, I spent about a year thinking about how I wanted to lay this area out before I started.
  7. Now we’re building models of Madonna’s bra?
  8. Happy progress today. Im going to freehand the black outline using a paint pen.
  9. White primer as a base. Lots and lots of thin coats building up. Never give up! Keep painting!
  10. It’s 1:14 am my time. And I’m wide awake and down at my bench working on the P-40. It seems somehow I accidentally grabbed a highly caffeinated water flavoring at the grocery store the other day and didn’t realize it. Oops! I made the same mistake last month but this time I bought the generic store brand with “contains caffeine” in very small print. Oh well. I’ll follow up with pics shortly. paints on!
  11. Best damned tool on a modeling bench since the magnifier.
  12. Cut out my “stencil” today. Did one the other day and I sat on it thinking about it and made a few mods. Now I need to remix the yellow/orange since my first attempt is just too orange.
  13. Yea, very! This morning I took a look at the paint and all the bubbles had smoothed out. Go figure. I used my spare set of decals and did a copy on my printer/copier and played around with making a stencil. I’ll probably be able to paint everything but the actual tigers mouth/teeth and the eyes. I can cut those out of the spare decals I have. The black outline looks simple using my paint pens. I played around on a test panel today using them.
  14. Well that was a bust. First side I tried it in one piece. Not only did it wind up with many wrinkles, but when I went to do the other side they didn’t even come close to matching up on the bottom of the cowl. As I was applying side one I was telling myself I could have probably done a better job just painting these on after cutting out Tamiya tape as a stencil. Guess which route I’m taking now? Besides, I did some paint touch up yesterday and 24 hours later the lacquer bubbled with hundreds of tiny bubbles in that area. Not sure if it was the Micro Set/Sol it the Tamiya decal adhesive with softener in it. But I do need to sand them out now.
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