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  1. Go ahead! Can't wait to see this one started. I have mine stashed years ago... Not seen often.... Lutz
  2. Hi John! I have wanted to build the Mk XVI for a long time, but I always avoided it! I will watch with interest! Lutz
  3. Hey Guy's! Yesterday I 've managed to finish the engine. Hasegawa has reproduced the original well. Maybe a bit simpler than the sakae 21 from tamiya but it looks good in the end. If you don't want to open the engine covers to show the engine, it's enough detail! I only added the ignition cables using lead wire. Cheers! Lutz
  4. That will be interesting! Is it the Hasegawa Kit?
  5. Thank you all Guy's! Yes, punching out is maybe the only option when using the kit's own decals. I try to get some dials from airscale next time. Much more convenient and much less effort! Cheer's!
  6. I would give it a try again! Never give up!!
  7. Thank you Harv and GusMac! Now that the front office is ready I can close the fuselage. Let the sanding games beginn...
  8. Eduards new Steelbelts are really worth trying! You can bend them without peeling of the paint.
  9. Looks very promising! Love the ignition cables! Cheers! Lutz
  10. Hi Guy's! Cockpit is ready! I paint it with a mix of Tamiya XF-71 and a good shot of Gunze H-58 to reduce the brightness a little bit. Details where paint with Valejo Acrylics. I've used the dials from the kit, cut them out and placed them one by one to the IP. This is much more work but it looks more convenient imho. At least a washing with Oil's was done. Cherrs!
  11. Hi Guy's Beeing very lazy the past days, I managed to do some Ignition wiring on the Sakae today! Not much but....
  12. Hahaha, no guys! It's only a new cutting mat because I managed to spill my Tamiya cement all over it... Thanks all!
  13. Hi all! Hope you are all doing well! Benchtime was a little bit limited these days so I could not make much progress. I detailed the cockpit with some wiring and plumbing work. Ready for paint! Some pics: Cheers guy's Lutz!
  14. Yes Ron, they are! Much nicer in detail and accuracy and I rather would take them but couldn't get them at the moment!
  15. The Instructions begins with the assembly of the pilot and the cockpit but I didn't follow it and I took care on the Horizontal Stabilizer. I cut the flaps of and sand the backside of the Stabilizer where the flaps mounted in a slightly round shape and do the same with the flaps in vice versa! I mounted the flaps in a slight upward position as seen in some pics of the real plane. That's all for now! Cheers! Lutz
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