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Everything posted by pfuf

  1. Hi I wanted to post these photos to show you how it looks on its feet and I just love the way zacto got the contours of the intakes and how the end part looks a bit difficult need to get a even color but that will take a week of two depending on how many little details will put up a fight hehe. I can use the aires feather end of the engine. ok here some of the photos. Have fun Johan Bos
  2. Hi now here is a update finally sanded most of the model I need as you can see clean up some little hard to get spots but overall it's done the shine you see is becose I use as last a very fine grind of waterproof sandpaper. I think it looks great the lines are now so much beter. I glued on the wings yesterday in two steps realy needed some tools normally found in a woodshop hehe. So with the top covers over the wing root I can get some putty to seal the bigger seams and sand it ready to paint. Do not take notice of some dust hehe For more pics they are on my photobucket account http://s1183.photobucket.com/user/Pfuf_Stuff/library/Tomcat%20F14D%20Trumpeter%20Zacto?sort=3&page=1 . . . . . . . Have fun Johan bos
  3. Installed the update on one pc and I cant copy paste any text so becarefull if you consider to update your windows to 8.1 johan
  4. Hi I made some progress because of my very busy job I have little time so working on the P 61 cockpit is something I can do in the the little time left in the evening. The cockpit is now on my desing model base testing it and it makes live very easy hope to let the final part made next week for review samples so more about that later. It takes some time the seatbelts but they look great nly need to ad the little straps they are from HGW. The back rest on the gunner and not seen now of the radio operator are home made pretty happy about the result. The added pipes are from lead wire they need to be painted Green I think and bought the airscale placard to ad even more detail painted the fire extinguisher red maybe it was green but I just like a bit of color hehe. Here some photos . . . . Have fun Johan bos
  5. Hi well I have just been so busy that the eduard parts are out (I only use the interior set) and the great wheel set from true Details and last but not least the top barrels set. So hope to do some more work this week will I try to get some panel lines on the Tomcat. . Have fun Johan bos
  6. Hi and all in one color Now it's time for panel lines and some small gap filling. Love the lines of the inlet and after sanding the trump parts smooth the after part of the engine. . . . Have fun Johan Bos
  7. Hi I so done the filling and smooth the transition of the intakes and motor housing. I used the epoxy with a toothpick to get it deep in to the seam and scrape the rest of. It will not hold on smooth surface so I clean up any drops I spilt. When I done with the filling I remove the tape and let it rest for 12 hours or more. It leaves a seam that is the thickness of the tape cutting that a way with a chisel. You can see some dark spots in the seam that is the epoxy glue. I will spray paint the area to day so for me tonight post you a update how it looks all in one color you get a beter idea of it all and for me the spots that need a bit more fine filling . . . . . . . Have Fun Johan Bos
  8. Hi well it took some time but yesterday I finally got the pieces glued into place. Now the filling and sanding can start. One thing you really need to take care of is the wheel wells sides walls and glueing them in place maybe the best way to do this is to first use the Trump intakes to get everything in the right place I know this kit isn't the best fitting one of the trump production line. Here the photos I hope to get the filling started tommorow so show you some progress. . . . . Have Fun johan bos
  9. Great so see this in detail thx Paul Johan
  10. Hi I was planning on doing this on a thursday but the hot weather was making it impossible finally this saturday I did some work. I have closed the intakes with the back part and used epoxy glue did glue it on the out side and try to get it as far in the panel line as possible not wanting to sand it later on now it is all painted in side. The front fan I painted with Grey Green 71055 Vallejo and dry brush it. Only need to cut some black tape for the small gape that is showing now dont want to see this showing later if there is just a little bit of light and I cant get to it. I now let the glue harden Sunday I hope to place them. . . . Have fun Johan bos
  11. Hello Model friends After some years of modeling I needed a solution for a problem we all know get the model in that particular angel we can at look and install parts. And then the most important part painting the model. For some time I used a stand that was made of carton and it was only able to use it in 4 angles. Now here are some of the test I made the back bone of the frame is aluminum. It makes it possible for you to cut it in the length you need. The wing / motor support are all laser cut from stainless steel and can be cleaned they get a scale lines on them so adjusting both sides the same width. I have made a little base for engines and individual parts like motors, pilots, cockpits I will post about this later. Now For just a main fuselage support I have made a part that is full holes with M3 thread were it is easy to install board or Styreen cut by you self specific for your model to support. The Magnetic Arm I nouw use can easily hold the junker in any position. . . . . Rigging becomes so much easier . . And my last 1st price winning model build with the help of my Multi functional model base No more stress how to place it any angle is possible and moving it around is so easy. . . Now I hear you think what about the New B17 well there are bigger Magnetic stands The frame it self can easily cope with weight I have a wider wing support beam same size as you see now only wider. Only the price of that Magnetic stand is higher but can be used the same way like the lighter one. Oh and on all photos the macnetic stand keeps up all the weight with out any steel plate support but when it is needed you can use a paint can to get some more hight. So let me know if you are interested I am planning to make them and sell them as a complete kit but more about this later. Have fun. Johan Bos
  12. Hi thx I have installed the wheelbays the and the rest are now white hope to spray high gloss so I can give it a wash. here some photos of the progress. Have fun Johan Bos
  13. Funny you ask this I got them send over to me a friend I all ready build 2 Tomcat for wanted one more so I realy dont know the price just take a look at the Zacto side http://www.zactomodels.com/
  14. Hi more work done on the top deck airduct cut a way the lower peace be careful the first I did I use my trump saw great to do the rough work but for this fine work I left with a gape so on the next one I used my Radub saw great for fine work and so the result was much beter. So now the sides walls need to cut back a bit were the top part rest on so the sides fall together. On the inside you have the to sand it back flush I did leave a bit maybe need to remove more but I dry fit this later. Take notice the left diverter plate wide is 0.2 mm smaller so sand to the part you make the hole L and R are on the peace so no mistakes there possible. Have fun Johan bos
  15. Hi first cut are made and the support resin parts are now dri fit they fit in place great so tomorrow I will when done with the upper deck glued in place. Here what I cut a way and sand the sides so later on the gleu got some hting to holed on to. here the support resin. Cutting on the top deck inlets and placing of the a other suport resin part Have fun Johan bos
  16. Hi Back on the Tomcat Just received the Zacto intakes and my god they look good I took just 2 photos I will get on with this build for now on to finish it starting tomorrow. Summers freak heat is gone for now so I can enjoy some hobby time. I start this build in progress here as well cant wait looking so sharp the resin cleaned up my work bench and just need to ad a little paint on my Bf109 Yes one is all ready over at my friends house and like all ways just that little drup of paint will make it so hard to finish lol but tomorrow I post the finish Bf109's. here 2 photos of the compleet set and the detal is fantastic like you can expect from Zacto models http://www.zactomodels.com/ I will try to keep up the steps I make and mistakes so we can all learn hehehe Johan bos
  17. Hi a little update very busy on my work and almost finished bf 109 duo keeps me of making more progress. Just to do something easy I started to do the drop tanks they have this spine that is way to thick so using a file to make it much thinner about 0.4mm. on the left you see the first one glued on the right the out of the box thick wall. I dont use this file only for plastic it keeps it sharp I have one in the same size that is a finer grade. I have to pay attention not to scour to muche on some spots so I use a small file to get it even thickness. Have fun Johan bos
  18. Great to see the box art I will buy one only need to find the time to build it. Johan
  19. A nightmare to see this happen to a finisht model hope to see the finish model. Johan
  20. Fantastic engine great paint work. Johan
  21. beautiful bf 109 who has seen some action. johan
  22. Beautiful work very convincing paint fading great kit. Johan
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