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Everything posted by pfuf

  1. What a fantastic Spitfire the detailed paint work just amazing Ralph. johan
  2. Fantastic work Jeroen always a nice moment closing of the fuselage. Johan
  3. I was missing a good model magazine to read very difficult to find and very expensive to buy over here in the Netherlands. I did know about the digital magazines reading this on LSP forum so now after I got my samsung note I looked around and loved the builds in millitary illustrated moddeler aircraft so for just 22 euro a year subscription and just like the olden days good read for in bed. http://militaryillustratedmodeller.com/store/mim-subscription-options/
  4. Congratulations Rick
  5. That is a fantastic looking cockpit daywalker
  6. Hi thanks I got some work done on the interior first sprayed a Vallejo interior Green 71010 Yellow mix color Then the interior Green 71010 and after that in the corners Dark Green Vallejo 71012. I made the instruments Black so later on get the details painted on. So then I returnt to the cockpit panels and used some pastel pensels and weatherd it a bit. Now to get the used look I took the Airbrush cleaner from Vallejo and cotton tip and carefull rub the area were I wanted the wear done spots and this cleaner isnt that strong that all the paint comes of so layer for layer. still need some spot for the wood showing in front the padels. Back to the Bf109 need to finish them this week. . . Have fun Johan Bos
  7. Cool james yes I did try to do this on my samsung note and photobucket gave a hard time to navigate on it. Yes Grant I start at 6 a clock in the morning woken by my cats so I make my self a coffee and watch new post on Imgur found this gif and loved it . Great site to just wake up
  8. Lol I cant see what I do wrong check my signature
  9. Hi Yesterday I finish most of the little parts for the cockpit and radar pit. and so many parts gave it a alclad coat chrome so not all parts get weather but it easer to just spray everything in one go and some of the radar control boxes need not all to be black when I see the restoration photos of the P61. . . . Have fun Johan bos
  10. Is that possible and how to place it in photobucket if it is possible. johan
  11. great result on the bomb surface if it's hard to capture on the photo most of the time it means that it's not over done. Like the bazooka tubes great result. I am a big fan of this beast. Johan
  12. I almost finish the group build. And so I start this very promissing kit I will get over to the Tomcat when the zacto intakes are ready. So I made a start with the gunner chair lol did not notice there are two of those needed so one more to do at some detail not knowing if it is realy visible. I made a back with Magic sculp for the first time so I think I need a bit more practice lol. I have a question I have seen photos of the gunner seat all with out arm rest was this practice or need the arm rest to be on the seat? . Johan bos
  13. beautiful work Kong and so many detail I like it. johan bos
  14. I was hoping on a Fw 190 but after a few Emails with a good friend for who I build some models were now so far that I hope in 2014 to build 2 lol like the Spits it will be a great experience a radial engine fantastic. Johan
  15. Love it nice paint job still need to build this great fighter
  16. Hi I first use chrome alclad and then spray it with Tamiya clear Yellow I do mix some clear Red in it to get a bit warmer glow finish it with clear lacker very small parts I paint them using a brush. Johan http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x476/Pfuf_Stuff/Bristol%20F6b%20Wingnut%20Wings/DSC07037.jpg
  17. Fantastic work chris those guns look so real great detail. Johan
  18. Wonderful work and the prop looks fantastic. johan
  19. Great to see those photo from model shows thx
  20. Hi no I use paint and a mix of clear lacquer and color mix so I have some more time to get the right shading. And with aquarelle pencils the matt finish makes it possible to write on the paint and use a damp brush to flush it in to the back ground and close it up with a matt finish. I agoign to do the same with the Bf109 later on
  21. Yes I build them at the same time here a link of the work in progress http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=39031&hl=
  22. Fantastic the color the weathering I like it.
  23. Great to see this model best presentation of a future release at the time.
  24. I used Vallejo model air and Tamiya weather pastels for the prop and Alclad chroom for the cone. Johan bos
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