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Everything posted by FullArmor

  1. I got this for a reasonable price🙂. This is old kit and can convert to RC. So lots of mods needed😬. Crudely built as the real thing 😉
  2. Started this new build.
  3. Construction finished. I'm putting this project on hold. I have no possibility to paint this right now (small rental appartment and it's freezing outside).
  4. Hi. Just found useful link to WW II books if you are interested: https://www.cuttersguide.com/galleries/ww2/
  5. Nice work. Oil and dirt...as it should be 👍
  6. Suits you sir and madam. Wear those hats proud! Keep honky tonkin! Greetings from Finland.
  7. Friulmodel Company is back !👍 " Dear Friends! The new Friulmodel Company management greats You! We work very hard on the re-opening, we only have few administrative steps before. We have quite good stocks with only few missing items. If You need any tracks immediately, contact me per email. By filling the Gap We open the web-shop soon! You can also visit us on Facebook "
  8. Main parts attached. A lot of work put into this point already.
  9. "Doghouse" 4 machineguns firing all directions. Would be deafening to be inside when combat.
  10. Got this. I do not know anything about warhammer. Cool looking tank and lots of parts. And different options.
  11. Nice choice. I would like to build one also. Lots of bolts and rivets to weather
  12. Super small details like springs.
  13. Got new phone so better pictures from now on. Trackday.
  14. Thank you for these pictures and tips 👍😊 You managed to add lots of fine little details. I like specially your subtle weathering style. Hopefully i can start my build next year.
  15. Ok. That confirms my suspicions.
  16. I watched one youtube video which stated that reactive armour block does not detonate when struck small arms fire...so can i add bullethole marks on reactive armour blocks? Or is it unrealistic?
  17. Bending jig is must if you have poor eyesight and shaking hands like i have
  18. Tedious process. One done one to go.
  19. "From the bullet hole in the seat, my guess is this seat isn't necessarily the same seat that went with the armor plating next to it. " If i have undestood correctly this is indeed same seat and armorplate which saved pilots life.
  20. Here is more detailed pictures. http://www.virtualpilots.fi/feature/photoreports/bw-372_photos/
  21. There was an interview of the now-retired Col. Pekuri on Finnish TV on 2 September 1998 where he told the account of his forced landing. Here's what he said: "We were engaged in combat next to the Russian airfield at Sekee (Segeza). There were eight of our Brewsters and more than ten Russian aircraft - in the end seven Russian fighters met their fate. My wingman was sgt. Anttila, a young fellow in his first fight. When I gave the order to disengage, Anttila couldn't comply. I looked and saw a Russian aircraft - it was a Hurricane - behind him, firing from a somewhat long distance and scoring hits. Anttila's aircraft caught fire, black smoke started to pour out, his engine stopped and he began to glide down. I managed to shoot down the Russian fighter and thus prevented him from completing the damage he had done. After this I disengaged from the fight. I flew on the deck at full power for some 40-50 km, but then a Russian fighter managed to surprise me. I was awakened by bullets hitting my aircraft - they made quite a racket - and my left wing tank caught fire. The Russian, I believe it was a Hurricane, overtook me at high speed just a few meters higher, and suddenly I found him right in front of me, practically filling my whole gunsight. Instinctively, I pulled the trigger, and the Russian aircraft caught fire and crashed into the woods. A patrol of Finnish soldiers behind the Russian lines saw this crash from a distance and took the news back to our side. They had no way of knowing whether the crashed aircraft was Finnish or Russian, so their story started people guessing that the crashed plane was either Anttila's or mine." The interview didn't tell the rest about Pekuri's forced landing, but it seems that his engine was badly damaged and he was at low altitude, so he ditched his Brewster into the lake without more damage and walked back to the Finnish lines. In the end he accumulated a total of 18.5 confirmed kills. He went on to fly Messerschmitt 109's until he was shot down another time in June 1944 and spent half a year on a POW camp, from which he was released after the hostilities between Finland and Russia ended.
  22. Brewster Model 239 (BW-372) in Finnish Air Force Museum: https://airforcemuseum.fi/museum%20objects/brewster-model-239-bw-372/
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