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Everything posted by FullArmor

  1. Yes. More of those 1/16 t34 builds๐Ÿ‘
  2. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ those colors are spot on!๐Ÿ‘
  3. First real error off this kit. You supposed to use 2.3 mm diameter srew in an 2.6 mm diameter hole.๐Ÿคจ And there is no such srew in this kit. Luckily i might have something in hand.
  4. I noticed that some of casted parts does not have appropriate texture. I wanted to recreate soviet armor real crude casting. Before processing. After processing. I used tamiya limonene to soften surface and then used wirebrush to create small inperfections. I think this looks far better.
  5. Yes. These old 1/16 kits have lots of modification potential. Grab if you can find good deal.
  6. Interesting vehicle. Armament is autocannons? caliber? Nicely done camo. ๐Ÿ‘
  7. Like it...like it a LOT! ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Suspension arms assembled. There will be small circles to cover those srewheads. This build reminds me of old tamiya RC car kits. Suspension arm pivot tolerances were not great. I added small piece of shrinktube to compensate.
  9. Very good ๐Ÿ‘. Perhaps some copper tone to engines could bring more color to this build and tie with those yellow stripes.
  10. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ that is lots of kits. Impressive indeed.๐Ÿซก
  11. Manual gives instruction to use bushing B12 and lock tensioning system solid. I made appropriate spring and now it can use as real tensioning system. Perhaps this is implemented on rc model or not.
  12. Christie suspension units installed. I used plastic trips and screws to install because i wanted them to be removable if something goes wrong.
  13. Please share more photos of this stunning collection.
  14. Thank you for starting this thread ๐Ÿ™‚. I have same kit waiting to be build.
  15. Spring taken from maglite. Copperpieces from carlock. Only one battery needed. I tried to keep everything simple.
  16. It would nice to see how trumpeter compares to hobbyboss.
  17. Have you seen two latest "workshop Wednesday" episodes? Pure tankporn ๐Ÿ˜„
  18. Have you seen "MR Hewes" and "The Australian Armour & Artillery Museum" Youtube channel? All tank related stuff. The best two which i have came across. Always entertaining and informative. Please share your favourite tank channel.
  19. I ordered engine cover grille and alu barrel. Barrel is for trumpeter kit and grille is for henglong rc tank...so further modifications expected ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  20. Volumeslider and speaker holes rectified.
  21. I am building working healight unit. Bulb is from maglite solitaire. I wanted realistic beam and led light is too blue and bright. If there is battery compartment might as well use it. Headlight is attached with small screw if i need to replace a bulb. The wire from healight is too thick and off scale because i wanted to use connector.
  22. I removed one speaker attachment and one to go. Next have to fill up those speakerholes.
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