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Everything posted by towerpower

  1. thanks Fran, i'll be looking into them, appreciate the assistance!!
  2. Hi everybody, i'm collecting as many items as possible to do a 1/35 MASH diorama, and have been gathering almost every gadget possible to start building, but.....the most difficult part is getting my hands on some orderly/firstaid/nurses/doctors stuff, because they either don't excist or my search isn't good enough. I found some old italeri figures carying a stretcher, but that's it. Ofcourse i have the old revell movie scene kit, with some mash characters in it and several helos, but i'm stuck with the "mash crowd".... so there you have it, can anyone be of assistance? regards, Jack.
  3. Actually there are more of these "graves" at sea, like the spot were the USnavy dumped some Intruder carcasses, should be somewhere off the coast of Florida, and what about the USS Oriskany, sunk and resting at the seabottom, all divers' delights. wonder if it's possible to build a diorama on such a scenery!!! Jack.
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3073254/Stunning-pictures-reveal-hundreds-World-War-Two-aircraft-lost-70-YEARS-Pacific-Ocean-seabed.html
  5. I've been following this project on and off, but it's awe inspiring to see what one can do with good scratchbuilding techniques and as Cees already said, just showing trial and error and eventually succeeding in presenting this fantastic big cat. Can't wait to see the end result, good show.. Jack.
  6. Great build, i'm enjoying every bit of it, this is very inspiring, your cockpit tub is excellent. Jack.
  7. great build Cees, very realistic, can't wait to have a look at this kit. J.
  8. Yessss.....i've been waiting for this one a looooong time, hopefully release date will be very soon....just can't wait to add it to my navy stash....and ofcourse build it... J.
  9. yep, hope they will do 1/32 one day........
  10. I really hope someday someone will be doing decals for a 32nd scale viper in these colors, awesome. there were several different paint schemes throughout the years on dutch airshow F16's but i like this the best. J.
  11. I'd like to wish you all a splendid, happy and healthy 2014!!! (and to myself: get your behind in gear and start building.... ) All the best, Jack.
  12. right, i knew it sounded familiar, have a good one.!
  13. yeah that could be a solution to the problem..... ...but you realize P+P would be murder looking at the box size?? BTW, are you the same as "typhoon438" on LSP? Jack.
  14. ah right , the helos, and many more subjects being neglected because of the fact that i'm very very lazy building kits, and not allowing myself to get going with what i was building in the first place viz. the 1/32 WB57F Canberra. This was meant to be ready for the "lost comrades" GB at LSP, but i got side tracked with a lot of other things so it went on hold, but i'll be sure to inform you guys and have some pictures ready.
  15. you haven't seen anything yet.........i know, it's really gotten out of hands, and i'm trying to thin out some kits, but i'm having this bad habit of not being able to get rid of this and that, so i'm stuck with a LOT of kits. But i'm not complaining, just realizing the fact that i'm nuts....... :wacko:
  16. Ok, this is part of my stash, being too large, so i'll never be able to build them all, but what can you do....it's an addiction: [/ And some old builds.....all 1/32 [
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