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Jon Kunatz

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Everything posted by Jon Kunatz

  1. Thank you all for the replies. Once I get the tractor on my diorama, Ill attend to the tracks. I feel it needs a bit of dust or mud. I have an idea for it pulling a 105mm howitzer...but thats as far as my idea got. Anyone want to loan me some ideas?
  2. My tractor is destined for a Diorama, *soon hopefully...need to collect a crew for it*, Having said that this was one of the most beautiful armor kits ive ever built, and a favorite subject.
  3. http://www.scalemates.com/products/product.php?id=101724
  4. This is the prototype for the M1 yes?
  5. Im still learning how to "plant" tall grass. I opted not to use commercially bought static grass because I feel its more economical to use jute twine. Ive tried cutting up the jute to make it like static grass, but I cant get it to separate, it clumps up. So I just mixed it into my celluclay mixture. I made the scene look somewhat swampy by doing this, but...it looks ok to me.
  6. Almost done with this thing....thank the maker.
  7. I wish I had the space, and the cash for something this huge.
  8. Ok, so I have this BM-13 Katyusha, Im building this for a friend. Its the old Italeri kit, and while not a bad kit...that drivetrain drove me nuts. I need some ideas if any can help. I know this particular type of vehicle was not used in WW2, its post war. And the Katyushas that fought in WW2 had the more Studebaker like cabs. I just need an idea or two for putting it in a scene on a landscaped base. Did these vehicles try that trick of scooting up to an earth face and fire their salvo, or did they go into an open field and fire? Oh and one more thing,...although you cant see the markings(faded)...this is a Polish vehicle. Any crits and suggestions welcome.
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