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How do I tint a clear part dark green?


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I am trying to get a clear part tinted dark green and don't know what would work best. Does anyone have an idea? Part of it needs to stay flat black or be painted flat black afterwards but then the tinted area needs to withstand masking.

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Alclad makes a clear green for that purpose. Or Future + food coloring. Or Tamiya Clear Green.


Thanks, I thought about that but the green should be less bright and intense. It needs to be more of a hint of dirty green.

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  • 11 months later...

Use clear varnish and add a drop or two of the required green. This way you can alter not only the colour you want but the opaqueness as well. I usually use humbrol enamels with their gloss varnish and airbrush it onto the clear part. As with anything concerning clear parts, you have to be super clean to avoid dust particles. Hope this helps. Cheers.

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