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1:32 Trumpeter Lightning corrections - WIP

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Am sure many will have seen progress to date on my goal to correct the most glaring issues with Trumpeters 1:32 Lightning kits - but for any that haven't this is where we've got to. Please disregard the square top fin illustrated on the F Mk 3 and F Mk 6 - that's incorrect and is being re-done this week.


There are other parts as well - such as tank fins - but gives a flavour of where I'm heading.


Parts are 'blanks' at present - being shaped and test fitted. New spine looks curved in photos - but will be straight!


F Mk 1A (note that I've taped it onto the F Mk 6 front end for speed - hence gap at front of belly section!):




F Mk 3:




F Mk 6:





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Thanks for bringing this baby over to LSM :)


The Lightning is one of the few projects I would step outside of WWII for.


One thing I can't understand though is why the donor kit is still so pricey considering it's meant to be such a dog?


Still hoping Luckymodel or someone will do a crazy sale on it... *sigh*

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... but it looks there are few issues with it! ...


Dave ...


A few would be an understatement according to those in the know ... the funny thing is ... I wouldn't have really noticed had they been not pointed out to me ... but once you set the original stamp up against Iains' re-worked bits - well ... Iains versions look faster just lying there!!! ... kinda like comparing a Messerschmitt Bf.109E to an F in shape variation - if you catch what I'm throwing?!


Rog :)

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The full story so far can be found here...


The canopy was the first thing that struck me - way out in side profile - and too wide in plan (it's such a distinctive shape). I spent a hell of a lot of time looking at photos, available drawings, the Airfix 1:48 kits and Frank Brown's excellent Echelon 1:32 vac kit before creating a new master in Milliput.


This then led to a narrower/higher cockpit sill being needed - along with a shallower nose ring (externally) - longer internally to meet the moulded inlet ducting...


Have had measuring tape out where possible on original airframes for items such as nose ring. Only way to make a 100% accurate model would be to start again - but I recon I can get it one hell of a lot closer to the look of the original.


Oh - and completely new to pattern making - has taken a *lot* longer than I thought.












In this last image you'll see early correction parts alongside the superb Echelon kit - which I know was created from manufacturers drawings (although I have found one or two minor errors with the Echelon kit):




Then there were the belly tanks - too short/too bulbus in both versions...


Then spine, tails, wings, undercarriage...


Then, then, then - oh - you get the drift...


Anyhoo - making some progress now - and, yes, hope to make available commercially at some point.



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It seems that I can spend hours on this - and not a lot of progress!


Fuselage keel has been straightened up again - and is just about ready for detail - as is the early belly tank.


F6 tank has been reshaped in side elevation and now ready (finally) for me to add gun troughs and build up a little at the front.


In picture news - a start made on a second go at the square top fin - a wedge has been removed from base (0 at front - approx 1.5 mm at base of rudder) to correct the angle at rear - and the top's been shortened a little. Next step, apart from correcting surface detail, is to add a wedge of plastic to leading edge (and fill that divit of an intake at base). Once done it will be the same shape/size/angles as the Echelon one.


Alongside this the spine has been 'fitted' to the upper fuse curve and is being fine adjusted.






Horizontal stab has been reshaped - and now looks like the real thing:




More soon (maybe).



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It seems that I can spend hours on this - and not a lot of progress!



Seems to me like it's a lot of progress recently though?

I have a 1/48 airfix version in the stash, but I'm waiting to see if this becomes available before I build it- I'd prefer a decent 1/32 kit if it's possible.

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OK - all day on Lightning stuff today - I need a break!


More fettling on the fuselage underside for the early machines:



And a little more on F Mk 6 belly:



Blending canopy area and further shaping on spine and area immediately behind canopy:



Now - in further news - there is a God!


Ages ago I mentioned the flaps should be constant chord? Well - because taper made them *thinner* in plan I can fix with new resin flaps and simply cut back the flap openings in the wings a little. Original top, my rough shape below:



And the fin - getting there!  smile.png


There will be a further strip added to base:




Night all!



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BTW - if anyone's wondering what those horizontal lines are on the fin - that's just me filling horizontal surface detail as it was no longer horizontal after rotating the fin back a few degrees. Oh - and shape is distorted there because of position of camera lens/distortion.


Now - do I try and match Trumpeters 'rivets' - or go smoother - more prototypical - and leave builder to fill divots in rest of kit? The latter's the way I'm heading at present - but feedback welcomed!  :)


Have fun!



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For anyone interested - this is what I'm thinking in terms of breakdown of individual parts availability - and 'complete' sets - thoughts/input appreciated!




Absolutely no idea re. prices/availability yet - but once I have the base patterns complete I will post here and elsewhere asking to get an idea of interest (not commitment) so I have a rough idea of volumes before casting - and, therefore, a reasonably accurate idea of costs!


But progress is now up a gear!  smile.png




EDIT - there's the F/R probe, gun ports and F3 vents to be added - and the belly tanks probably need to be available separately...

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i like the parts breakdown / various options provided


regarding matching the surface / rivet detail of the kit, i think from a commercial point of view - and what i would definitely prefer as a modeller - it would be much better if you just match the detail on the kit


that way, at least a modeller has the option of just plug and play / cut and fit with your parts, without having to re-rivet the whole thing (uber tedious)


and for those mega accuracy nuts, well chances are they would be re-riveting the whole thing anyway


does that make sense?


kind regards



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For anyone interested - this is what I'm thinking in terms of breakdown of individual parts availability - and 'complete' sets - thoughts/input appreciated!




Absolutely no idea re. prices/availability yet - but once I have the base patterns complete I will post here and elsewhere asking to get an idea of interest (not commitment) so I have a rough idea of volumes before casting - and, therefore, a reasonably accurate idea of costs!


But progress is now up a gear!  smile.png




EDIT - there's the F/R probe, gun ports and F3 vents to be added - and the belly tanks probably need to be available separately...

Happy anniversary (Thread) !



I'll be interested in a complete kit/package/set whenever you start producing them.


Is it possible for you to post a pic of what Lightning variations you'll be producing? I know nothing about the plane other than I want to build one with a 'British dark two-tone camo' like this badboy:



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