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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

An Air America Pilot..

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Hi All. I enjoyed a great Audible book narrated by Neil Graham Hansen just called "Flight"
I'd love to know if any of you had read or listened to this book. Having visited Vietnam and Laos from
Australia, I was always keen to hear as much history from as many involved on all sides.
My interest in the complexity there was all sparked off by first finding a book to read in Loas,
by Chistopher Robins called "The Ravens"


An Air America Pilot.jpeg


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Should be a good read.  T-28 and A-26 Air Commando operations in Laos are still shrouded in secrecy.  But those guys, Ravens and Zorros, punched far, far above their weight class. As fearsome as a gunned up T-28 was, there was absolutely nothing in the inventory, anywhere, short of C-47 or C-130 gunships that could bring anywhere near the devastating firepower that a B-26K could. 

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