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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Hasegawa Me-163 - Nearing Completion

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Wishing to proclaim that I had completed ONE model in 2013, I had hoped to finish this kit by the stroke of midnight on December 31st. That was not to be. A few technical difficulties arose after I gloss-coated the kit and began applying decals last week. In brief:


I chose the "Yellow 11" scheme for this kit because there is a wealth of photographic reference material floating about the net on this particular aircraft (in particular, this site: http://robdebie.home.xs4all.nl/me163/ye11.htm ) For those planning to source some of the decals from this particular release of the Hasegawa kit to complete the new Meng kit, I would advise caution. The decals in my kit, while looking quite good upon initial inspection, were incredibly difficult to use. Afer sliding them off the backing paper for placement, I realized that a strange, chunky exudate remained attached to the back of the decals. They also took an unusually long time to seperate from the backing paper after being placed in warm water. The upper wing crosses were virtually unusable because of this; fortunately I had an old Micro-Scale generic German crosses set stashed away. The "Yellow" 11" and tail "Werknummer" were fortunately not as bad as the crosses, and most of the white chunky "gravel" disappeared with generous baths of Solvaset. All of this may be a "one-off" quality control problem, however. I am usually quite happy with Hase decals, especially those in their newer releases (these decals are dated 2007).


The above site seems to confirm that this particular aircraft was painted in the late war "Lichtgrun" and "Dunkelgrun" greens. The kit instructions would have you paint the kit in 74/75/76.


I plan on putting the finishing touches on her this weekend.


At any rate, here she is, gloss coated and awaiting a few more decals:











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