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About CruZz

  • Birthday 01/20/1983

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  • Location
    CZE - Liberec

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  1. Thank you very much guys! Appreciate it!
  2. Thank you very much Guys! Appreciate it!
  3. Hello gentlemans. Model represent plane from AFB Hill nr: 13-5081. It was only one with some light weathering, when I build it.... Kit Italeri Eduard PE sets Lot of scratchbuild and wiring (wheel bays, bombbays), added many surface details. Wheels True detail... Amraams Eduard brassin. Paiting masks by DN-Models. Decals: Furball Etc.... I made my own exhaust nozzle od 3D printer, because all of aftermarket set was small.... Thank you for watching. Have a nice day. Jan :-)
  4. Hello Dennis. Thank you. Kit is easy to build.
  5. Hi Doug. Thank you very much! Final coat is a Mr.Color 182 matt varnish in thin layer. Cheers, Jan
  6. Hello Gentlemans. Please let me show you my new model. More photos in WINGSPAN 2 book by Canfora publishing soon. Cheers, Jan
  7. Very nice finish! But I´m missing rivets Rick :-) Cheers, Jan
  8. Peter, I´m out of my table last months. I bought a motorbike in spring and now only riding. (I have something in progress, but it goes very slow )
  9. Amazing weathering job you did. Like it a lot! Applause. :-)
  10. Hi Loic, I will write you over weekend. Now I haven´t too much time. Thanks. Jan
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