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Everything posted by brahman104

  1. More.... Hopefully I'm not boring you Craig
  2. G'day guys and gals, I've been a member on here for a while now and haven't put up a WIP thread, so I thought I might start with something easy and quick..... as the title suggests I'm converting the HK B-17G into a D model. I actually started this over on another forum just over a year ago, but I figured people might appreciate seeing it here as well. The bottom line so far is that this is in no way simple or quick. For those who aren't familiar with the HK B-17, this is an amazing kit and a long time dream come true for a lot of people that wanted a big bird of their own. It builds up nicely and looks like a B-17 when it's done. There's been plenty of comment about the accuracy of the kit all over the internet so this thread is not about trying to make a super accurate G. More so, I had an idea that using the kit as an excellent base, I could design a new nose and rear fuselage and graft them onto the existing centre section. As the wing shape more or less remained unchanged throughout the life of the fort, the would make my life easier. Originally I was intending to make vac form masters and then get them professionally pulled, but then I took a great big step into the 21st century and brought myself a 3D printer. I then used that to make the required fuselage corrections and now it's all about adding the internal details. I'm aware that most people (including myself a lot of the time) come for the photos, so I'll try and keep the explanations to a minimum. However if anyone is interested and would like to know how I did a certain thing or elaborate on a process, feel free to ask. Also, if anyone has any information they feel is pertinent to B-17's feel free to share it. Comments and critique are welcome too guys; I'm certainly not the world's greatest modeller but go for it, anything is welcome! Anyway, on with the pictures......
  3. That is definitely worth it! How do you get the glass so perfect and shiny? Craig
  4. Man that is some beautifully fine work you are doing there. Love that interior! Craig
  5. I actually hadn't read who started this topic but looking at the work and the weathering my first guess turned out to be correct! Another triumph there Ralph Craig
  6. Nice work SD! The under-cockpit (is that a term?) area looks nice and busy, I take it the front entry door is staying open with all that effort you're putting in? Love the balck and white pic too! Looking forward to more. Craig
  7. Hi Nige! I can't remember if I ever posted on your previous thread, but I was certainly following it with much admiration. I'm a great fan of doing large modifications to kits to get them looking the way that you want, so your build is very inspirational to me and like so many others who seemed to have found their way here, I was totally bummed with what happened to you. This has just made my day finding this, and coincidentally, prompting me to join this forum. Thank you for continuing to post your exceptional work! Craig
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