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simon 64

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11 Good
  1. Glad i have seen this link, the attraction to stick and string era has bitten hard so this a great help.
  2. not so bad if you have access to a pc in your man cave (i don't) so I tend to check before i part with the old modeling cash.
  3. I used to have a cat mechanic as well, until he decided to taste brake fluid, talk about bad tempered....
  4. Boy, you lot are bringing back memories of happy days on bikes.....
  5. The Cent, one olf my favorites lovely job mate seems I shall have to dig mine out at some point and start the thing instead of thinking about it!
  6. I must invest in these books, they look supeb let alone coming with the decals
  7. GHuess I'm going to start saving up again!
  8. Fo some reason my gandmother allways bought me an Airfix 1/72nd ME109 at christmas from when I was about 6 till about 10. I also rember going to Woolwoths on a satuday morning with my pocket money and trying to make my mind up on what would be this weeks kit, usually finished by saturday afternoon,. not bothering to paint them being to keen to play with them.
  9. Thanks for the heads up, I'll go and check the Eduard site out. It is a kit that I allways wanted (for some strange reason!) and it came along at the right price at my local hobby shop so I grabbed fast. Now having looked at some of it I remember why I was not to keen on early Dragon kits when I was modelling before! Oh well we live and learn I supose....
  10. I recently managed to get one of the Dragon Scud launchers and was wondering if any one new of a company that made glazing parts for the model. For those that don't know The kit provides templates but not pre cut or moulded glazing and I'm worried about my abilite to cut fom tne templates.
  11. Oh no, yet another reason to get Centurion's as if I neede one! Lovley work mate.
  12. Certanly brings an old kit into the 21st centuary and shows what can be done with an old kit. Bravo!
  13. If only all Shermans had been Firefly's then Panther's and Tigers would have been in trouble.
  14. That or a Firefly
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