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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. Thanks for the thoughts, everybody, and thanks for waving a giant red flag, MBB. It's taken under advisement. I had an uncle who flew Mohawks and then Mk VIII Spits in the war. Hence my interest in building the former. Anybody know if anyone else makes a Mohawk? Thanks, Lindsay
  2. Well done! Back to you... Lindsay
  3. This important aircraft saved many lives as a bush air ambulance. Unfortunately, it also was the aircraft that took the life of one of Canada's greatest aces.
  4. They dropped wooden bombs.
  5. Beautiful bird, Jeroen. Really nice restrained rib shading. You can be proud of this one. LT
  6. Anybody know anything about this kit? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Special-Hobby-1-32-Mohawk-Mk-IV-/261143501552?pt=UK_ToysGames_ModelKits_ModelKits_JN&hash=item3ccd5d9af0 Is that a good price? Does anyone else do a Mohawk in 1:32? I'd like to build one some day so I'm trying to get a feel for what's out there. Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks. Lindsay
  7. A master builder with a detailed How-To. Yes, consider me interested.
  8. Thanks for the tutorial, Dave. I appreciate you taking the time to provide nice photos, too. It's so much more valuable to have pictures, rather than just text for these things. Lindsay
  9. I'm glad you pointed those out, NOVA. That's what I was looking for, and for $22 USD you can't go wrong. LT
  10. Above and beyond, guys! I really appreciate all your thoughts on the list. It's really helpful. I'm scared now that my cheap criterion will be rendered pointless as I buy a whole bunch of them! Kind of like when I only take a little scoop of everything at the buffet; it still somehow adds up to too much! Thanks again, Lindsay
  11. Oh, and Dave, I save the real big outlays for a little cottage industry outfit called Wingnut Wings. You may have heard of them. <if I knew how to add a winking emoticon, I'd add it there> Lindsay
  12. Beauty! Thanks, all. That's exactly what I was looking for! Much appreciated, LT
  13. Hi all, I'm new to LSM, and new to modelling in general. I've got a couple of WWI biplane builds under my belt as this is my primary historical interest, but I'd like to try building a WWII bird, too. So, to the more experienced craftspeople here, whose expertise I'll no doubt seek out over the course of a build, I'm looking for your recommendations on a kit that fits the following criteria: 1. Cheap 2. Spitfire, Stuka, 109 or 190 - any mark and variant 3. 1:32 3a. If you know of a good 1:48 kit I'd still like to hear about, I just won't post it here 4. Accuracy is not a top priority 5. Fairly easy to build How's that for a shopping list? Of course, I'd like to hear all thoughts on the matter, even if parts of my list are mutually exclusive. Thanks very much for the help. That's what makes places like these such a great resource. LT
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