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Everything posted by mozart

  1. H2S dome or no H2S dome? Another option/addition to consider perhaps?
  2. A great looking model enhanced by some really good photography....well done indeed. Max
  3. Yes indeed Cees, I've spent 10 years researching and documenting her loss on 3 March 1945: to cut a long story short see here: www.ordinarycrew.co.uk Max
  4. Looks marvellous, can't wait to build finally a detailed version of ME453 of 467 squadron RAAF. Max
  5. Another motorcyclist here, been riding bikes for well over 50 years and still loving it: Max
  6. Is that through experience or prejudice? Max
  7. Hope you get your Windows issue sorted Steve. The wing problem sounds very much like the one that I had recently with a Classic Airframes Fairey Battle (a well named aircraft!) so hopefully my experience in resolving that will help with the Hurricane. Max
  8. Keep it coming Steve! I'm going to be building one of these soon, my first attempt at a PCM kit, so I'll need lots of pointers, do's and don'ts from you! Max
  9. An intriguing looking project Tony, I'll enjoy watching this one develop after all your initial "whittling"! Max
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