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  1. Yep!! Happy Birthday!! Have a nice day Cheers Polux
  2. Very nice, clean and tidy work so far. Keep the pics coming
  3. Lovely! The subtle weathering looks very nice, well done
  4. Cool aircraft!! I will watching this one Ralph
  5. This is coming along very nice Great work so far!!
  6. Clean build Ralph! The colour modulation looks genial, is a lovely work
  7. Yeah! Maybe some more photos, please Anyway looks magnificent, and highly weathered....as you like it :)
  8. There are some nice details there! The camouflage paintwork looks spot on Cheers
  9. The Panzer IV is one of my favorites! I like the colour tone, looks a very nice build
  10. Yep!! This is my first finished attempt to a 1/72 aircraft Focke Wulf Fw190 F8 (1/72 Airfix) Thanks for looking Polux
  11. Here is where I am!! Thanks for looking Polux
  12. Hi all! This is my current project. Is a very little scene (140mm x 90mm) and represents a German mine entrance or similar. My intention is to build more than one small scene during this year. Personally I think they are lovely and are a good place to improve new tips and tricks. In this one, my objective is learn to work with real wood. I will scratch build a very old door and an abandoned wagon. The scale is 1/35....but there isn’t any plane or tank, so I decided to post here..... Regards Polux
  13. Yeah! Lovely work!! Is a WWI tank....isn't enough dirty Will be an excellent reference for my current build. Cheers
  14. Very clean and tidy work! I like it lovely one!
  15. Cool! This is the perfect subject for a weathering paintwork!
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