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Everything posted by Layton

  1. Looking good Ralph! The subtle chipping effect is a nice detail Cheers
  2. Interesting!! Looking forward to watching this build!
  3. Yep! Seems I’ve return at this one again Now I can say the rear part (engine) is finished. Must say all the pieces join correct without problem. I’ve done some chipping and weathering effect, but all this work will be hiding under the main body, so..... Then I started the front part. Just primer and add a steel Alclad coat only..... I must admit that the alclad paints or lacquers aren’t my favourites, but I suppose will look much better than a gun metal acrylic colour as a base.... Thanks for looking Polux
  4. Clean build Ralph, looking very good so far! I agree, the antennas are lovely
  5. Mmmmm......nice models!!! Thanks for share them.
  6. Nice work on the landing gear, looking very good so far.
  7. Ah! Forget! Welcome to the forum!
  8. Very nice so far! Looks a clean work
  9. Cool You have on mind to do some kind of weathering on the model? Dust, chipping, mud..?
  10. Looking very good so far.
  11. Wow!! Great photos!! Thanks for sharing
  12. Interesting subject. Let's see the final result
  13. Yep! I like the look of that interior, very nice
  14. Sweet model! Clean and tidy, with some nice little details. Is a great build
  15. Welcome to the forum Dinesh! Excellent build! Looking really good
  16. Yes...you have a problem :) Lovely man cave!! Yep!! You have four of the five Hobby Boss Land Rover , are you interested on the best ever produced car..,?
  17. Nice choice on the figures!! Mmmm....the bulldozer is the perfect model for a heavy weathering!!! Just hope you build it soon and post some photos here
  18. Well, looks fine to me!! And seems you has enjoyed very much building it, and that is the most important The subtle weathering is lovely, the paintwork on the wheels and the free camouflage are excellent! Cheers Polux
  19. Thanks Mike! I have some outdoor photos, but I don't remember where they are.... I must take the camera again :)
  20. Great model! The subtle weathering is perfect. Cheers!
  21. Eeehh...? Thank you Ralph, I'm glad you like it, again... :)
  22. Yes, maybe it's true.... On January will start mine. This one will be an excellent reference
  23. It's true!! Is the perfect model to "improve" new painting tips and add your free style :) Mine is unfinished...by the moment she was painted with a strange red colour.....
  24. Excellent clean build! Very nice! You will add a pin wash on the rivets..?
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