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Everything posted by Layton

  1. Excellent paintwork so far Can I as if you will do/add some chipping effect or weathering? Cheers
  2. Very interesting subject, James. Looking forward to seeing it.
  3. Cool! Very nice and well painted model
  4. Wow!! Excellent work with the PE I'm wishing to see it finished
  5. Very nice model! You have all my respect...work with wood is not an easy work
  6. Well, I can do a "recompilation" of old photos and open a new thread, if the staff members think is ok and all you are really interested.... Regards Polux
  7. A beauty! The preshade work and the pin wash are excellent!
  8. Nice and clean build Ralph! I like it
  9. Nice one! The subtle chipping effect is good, I like it
  10. All the set is painted wirh acrylics, the weathering paintwork and washes are with enamels, and the final "touches" are oils. I don't have time today, but if you want I can recompiled old photos on my "under construction thread" and post them. Let me know!! If not I will write all the steps I did
  11. Two photos on Black & White.....
  12. This is the old Airfix Stuka B2 at 1/24. Is my last work, and I have decided to paint with the winter camouflage. Thanks Polux
  13. And some pictures with the lights on Thanks for looking Polux
  14. Hey all! This is a diorama at 1/35 that I ended this winter. It represents a railway scene near Berlin..... I added an electrical installation, and now I have lights there Well, hope you like it! Thanks for looking
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