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Everything posted by AlgiaNick

  1. It seems to have extremely nice detailing....Can you zoom it please? I like this kind of work!!! Regards Nickolas
  2. Nice start!! Lovely detailing!!! I wish the best, to continue and finish it!!! Best Regards Nickolas
  3. Very beautiful aircraft!!! I like your work onit!! Awesome work!! Very very beautiful !!! Regards Nickolas
  4. Extremely nice and..."painful" work my friend!!! The work on the aircraft, is so much meticulus and awesome....The figures seems to be "alive"...You gave me so much ideas for a similar diorama!!! Congratulations for all!!! Regards Nickolas
  5. Very nice work!!! I like your painting and chipping at the pilot's seat!!! Waiting to see it finished!!! Regards Nickolas
  6. Here I am, again, to update the topic with my last work on Felixstowe... Let's watch it... ...starting from the engines.... Next episode...is the...fuselage Regards Nickolas
  7. Hello my friend!!! The kit is amazing with too much details on it!!! Thank you so much for your interest about my work!! Whener you need advices and focus on it, ask me.... I'll help you!!! The rigging of center dection struts is enough difficult and I found the easiest way to do it!!!
  8. Let's finish the interior.... It needs difficult and meticulus work... Here, interior has almost finished !!! At the next step, I'll continue with the fuselage and all it's details!!! I'm ready to listen your comments, remarks and answer any questions!!! Regards Nickolas
  9. I continue with pedals, fuel tanks and the whole interior of the aircraft...
  10. Hello my friends I've started the construction of Felixstowe, at September 2015 and I made some pieces of interior....I stopped for 3 months and I came back at December 2015!!! I work on it untill today!!! Here you'll see my progress and all remarks and comments are wellcome to me!!! Let's start from the box... ...and the contents... Huge box...includes two models (Felixstowe ans Hansa Brandenburg W.29) ...Let's see the sprues of Felixstowe... I'll also use the following sets for my work: Let's start with the interior floors...and woods (finished at 14-9-2015) and the cabinet of radio-telecommunication systems...
  11. Your work until now is...more than amazing!!! I also have Gotha and i'm gonna copy your work!!!
  12. Incredible build until now!!! I'm looking forward for the next steps!!! Keep going on my friend!!!
  13. Thank you very much my friend!!! I'll keep in mind about the preparations on my bench for the Felixstowe!!!
  14. Very nice and impressive work!!!
  15. Hello my friends!!! Here is some important progress!! I finished with the interior, the cockpit, the fuselage, the wood-ply textures, the paintings and the undercarriage!!! This is a barograph!!! New updates with the wings on and rigging, are coming very soon!!! Stay tuned...
  16. Nice work my friend!!! I love it!!!
  17. Thank you so much wackyracer my friend!!!!
  18. Hello my friends!!! Here is some progress with the cockpit, and the guns!!! Many thanks to Mr. Ɓukasz Laskowski (Taurus Models) for the barrels (He send them as a gift to my order). Coming back soon with new updates!!! Stay tuned!!!
  19. Thank you so much Richard!!! I try for the best!!
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