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Everything posted by artro219

  1. Unfortunately, I do not run a workshop anywhere, a report from the assembly will be published in the Polish miniReplika newspaper and until then I cannot show photos from the production. I hope that you understand me.
  2. I slightly improved the interior in relation to the original in the model
  3. Cots are a mixture of Tamiya Buff paint with a bit of red and black applied with an airbrush
  4. Another model goes to my shelf. This time, the design that appears at the competition quite rarely, namely the P-39 Airacobra. The model itself is pretty cool, but I've added Eduard plates, HGW straps, Master barrels and Eduard exhaust pipes. Markings painted from templates drawn by Mr. Decal and cut Maketar
  5. Lukraph models are made of resin, they are quite simple and effective after finishing
  6. https://artro219.blogspot.com/2018/03/lublin-rxiii-g-ter-lukgraph-132.html
  7. Sorry, but I use Google translator, Lukgraph models are easy and uncomplicated
  8. Hi, you can take the blinds, the models are very well made, I will soon glue the version on the floats. Everything fits very well.
  9. Thank you for kind words, it motivates you to continue working
  10. My resin model Lublin R-XIII D Paint Bilmodel, MRPaint, Gunze and Hataka
  11. Thank you all for the nice words that motivate you to continue working
  12. P-47D-26-RA, Lt. James R. Hopkins, 509th FS, 405th FG, 9th AF, Ophoven, Belgium, March 1945 HGW - belt Master - barrels Paint - MR Paint, Tamiya
  13. Yak -3 Specjal Hobby Pain BilModel 1 PLM Warszawa Summer 1945
  14. Camouflage has been recreated based on the few images aircraft number KH663 RF-M, later PD-L. Fragments of paint on the basis of photographs of other aircraft from 303 Squadron in the yellow strip on the leading edge of the wings and red marks after adhering tapes on outlets machine guns. Thank you all for your words of appreciation that motivates me to further and better jobs. Sorry for my english but I'm using Google Translator
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