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About KvS

  • Birthday 11/08/1974

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    Nottingham, MD

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  1. "Members of the 25th Fighter Squadron demonstrate what Close Air Support is all about, from the seat of an A-10C." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4LOGfuuugc&feature=youtu.be
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  2. You get both a Felixstowe 2a and a Hansa-Brandenburg W.29(!): http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/608AA6CB2F8125DDA31A424D035A5BEA
  3. In no particular order... Nieuport 28 SPAD S.XIII Albatros D.III
  4. Added a couple Fireflies (plus metal barrels) to the growing armor stash...
  5. My buddy just sent me this link, and I thought what better place to share it... The collection includes 92 manuals in total. They display in the browser, or you can print/download each manual. Lots of great research material here: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3745342/Luftwaffe-Manuals-1939-1945
  6. Before this review, I had almost zero interest in the 219 (Revell's or Z-M's). Now, after reading this outstanding review, I need to decide which aftermarket items to get in addition to this kit.
  7. I have a strong suspicion that the game World of Tanks is helping drive the new kits being released. This AMX-30B is not currently in the game, but the AMX-50B is (as are the AMX-13 75 and AMX-13 90). Meng's earlier release, the Tortoise, was recently added to the game. Trumpeter has many/most of the paper panzers which are also in game. It doesn't hurt to have many of Dragon's and Trumpeter (and some others I cannot remember) now come with World of Tanks gift cards too. Just theorizing, of course... Thanks for the review!
  8. Reminds me of the Renault R35 "Rat" (which I wouldn't mind seeing in this same scale).
  9. Thanks for the participation guys! I appreciate the comments/compliments too. The HGW harness is really nice, and highly recommended. The one used here is not the pre-cut version, and I would definitely suggesting going the pre-cut route over attempting to carve a straight line. I didn't crinkle them as suggested (I forgot), but I did apply a wash of MIG's Oil & Grease Stain mixture. I'm still trying to get the hang of weathering. So, I am leaning towards 'too little' rather than 'too much' for right now. Anyway, I was able to get some additional work done this weekend such as buttoning up the cockpit and adding the tail feathers. I had to make a decision on the rudder style now, and luckily the votes are trending toward the late (sharper curve at the top) and away from the early (more gently curved) rudder style. (Of course, it also helps most of the markings schemes are late style too. ) Here are some pics:
  10. Hello All! I'm posting my first build on LSM, and I've decided to make it a bit interactive. I've started building the Spitfire Mk VII from Tamiya with only decals and the HGW seatbelts as aftermarket. Speaking of decals... I bought Kagero's Topcolors 18 Supermarine Spitfire Mk VIII a while back, which includes many gorgeous schemes to choose from -- unfortunately, I cannot decide which one to select. I do have a few favorites, but I've decided to ask my fellow modellers here at LSM to help me choose. The poll includes all the markings options available in Topcolors 18, and I set the polling to allow everyone to select more than one. Here are the markings in full color (credit goes to Kagero/Barkhorn for the pic and polling text which was borrowed from the post over at LSP): ... and here are the first progress pics. Pics were taken with my iPhone (only camera I have). Apologies in advance.
  11. They roll out the Widow onto the tarmac next to the hanger every year at their WWII Weekend/Air Show. You can get pretty close to it too. I highly recommend WWII Weekend if you can get there (it's much more than a vintage air show).
  12. I've been hitting the F5 key on the Fokker D.VIIF's page like a monkey on crack since Saturday (when the kit was debuting at the Omaka Airshow). Do you think WNW will include the 'Du Doch Nicht' and/or Göring's all-white scheme as a separate decal package?
  13. That's pretty brilliant. Evil genius brilliant.
  14. In addition to the A, B, C, and Albatros types, they've released One Point, Anchor Points/Eyelets, and RAF Late Types: http://www.gaspatchmodels.com/products/metal-turnbuckles-32.html Other than the Albatros turnbuckles, does anyone know which WWI planes (or at least which countries) would use the A, B, C, One Points, or Anchor Points/Eyelets? How late are the RAF Late Type turnbuckles? ...Or at least point me in the right direction since I don't mind doing the research if I know how/where to look? Appreciate it!
  15. I have the Ninak in my stash as well (with intentions of modelling the same USMC scheme). I think you did a bang up job - especially for your first WWI model. I hope my first attempt goes as well as yours.
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