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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. Clearly though, they are around the forums and knew what they were getting into jumping into 1/32 scale with a 109. I have seen lots of their 1/32 109's built up and looking great on all the forums. Not knowing Tamiya, or ZM's next move would make it tough to pick a subject , but I would like too see someone take a stab at doing a Hellcat in 1/32 again....
  2. Beautiful Dave! I have an F-4 in the stash and it looks like I'm gonna have to throw down with some Luftwaffe birds soon with all I have been seeing around here.
  3. Achtung!! Nice Emil James!! I'm seeing alot of Luftwaffe stuff, gonna have to up the ante and throw down something German myself!
  4. Although it looks as if the test shots differ from the production as far as the canopy goes, here she is. http://www.trumpeter-china.com/a/en/product/fly/1_32_Series/2013/0605/2407.html
  5. Ya it has the Avionix pit, squadron vac canopy, and Cobra rocket launchers. Oh and Flightpath ALQ 131...
  6. Trumpy 32nd scale, I know it has some issues but I have buit several and have enjoyed every build. I see you are in Lodi, not too far down the road from here....sweet!!
  7. A Davis Monthan Bird. I am envoking the creative license thingamabob as I know panels wouldnt be open with ordanance slung. I hope you like!! [[/url]
  8. Will do sir, for her and your family. Be strong!
  9. OOps, well I don't have 5 pounds right now so I will just have to promise I will remember this when I get around to building another Spit. Always about learning new things though, thanks!
  10. Here... http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=trumpeer+1%2f32+a-6+pictures&qpvt=trumpeer+1%2f32+a-6+pictures&FORM=IGRE#view=detail&id=38B538028E0B6A4BECFA62027148C32EBF044849&selectedIndex=24
  11. Hey looky looky.... http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m309/ChernayaAkula/trp02249.jpg I found this while browsing around there was another pic with the Trumpeter label.
  12. YES!!! I stand corrected it's a Navy bird, but I think that's the look I want to go with the A. The E will be around soon enough for us to dirty up..
  13. I will have to source some photos, but remember some A's had all black radomes that looked pretty cool...Marine Corps Intruders mosly I think.
  14. Don't know if you guys have seen it or not and while box art isn't very important to me at least we know we will see the A-6 soon
  15. As I said it was my first Spitfire, you are being serious right?
  16. So awesome, I really love that particular scheme!!
  17. Oddly enought his is the first Spit I have ever built, and I do realize that I set the canopy on bckwards when I took these pictures..oops. I hope you like her!! I should have dusted her a little better, but my pics will improve with time...
  18. Nice build Lee, and nice subject!!
  19. Gotta love those Marine Corps bugs!!! I just scored the HK B-25 myself, and it looks like there is an Eduard sale at Sprue Bros this weekend!!
  20. Oregon ANG with MSIP upgrade, found pics of this bird online after I tried to do one from an Astra sheet that was horrible.
  21. So I have just purchased the HK B-25 kit and I would really like to finish it in the Apache Princess markings however there is a hurdle iI must clear first. I know there is a post war refurbishe "Princess" that is around but I know she has an inappropriate set-up in the greenhouse with the weapons as opposed to the real "Princess". I know she had a five fixed gun set-up in the nose and that the glass wasn't all painted over, so for one to sucessfully represent the original aircraft correctly, knowledge of how the guns, belts and ammo boxes were arranged is a must. I can't seem to source diagrams, pictures, or anything of the sort. I know Sag Harbour Express had the same layout but had the glass painted over. Warpath Across the Pacific seems to be the one place I may find what I need, but it is pricey and just wanted to make sure before I spend any $$$. Anyone have any info that may help me out in this info gathering stalemate. Thanks!! John
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