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Everything posted by Johann

  1. Meanwhile, the work goes on
  2. Предположим, что с Русским у нас отлично ))) С любовью из России))
  3. You're scaring me and the alarming ( Archives definitively tested, and resource sharing that I use or when not engaged in nonsense ... I offer my deepest apologies, I will Yeshe more attentive to such .. I really wish that there was such a trouble (
  4. did not quite understand you ... ( All books are clean and free. I give from his personal archives. download free. where I watched a mistake?? (
  5. without archive, book in PDF Two books with interesting pictures and good drawings. There are old books 40 and 41, with the technical descriptions and drawings of parts and airframe Institut TsAGI
  6. Skis were made of wood, the bottom is finished with aluminum I hope that I have not violated by placing his version banner?
  7. From hobby craft have problems with the geometry of the fuselage. By the way if there is interest I can share the book by I-16
  8. Yes, in Russia are very fond of armor, but luchshe watch on Russian resources are not pictures, and photos of work colleagues
  9. My colleagues have said - if so requested a sin not to do so. Began to collect materials for the Pe-2. The question is which one to do? (but prepare Budmen after we finish with La and Yak)
  10. transparent portions primarily
  11. You are interested in is the location of toolbars?
  12. Аlways please, if I can help than that, then help)
  13. Yes, there is, but then do not forget that the MiG-3 LaGG-3 and Yak-1 okleivayut percale wood pieces and covered with a layer of lacquer
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