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Everything posted by Johann

  1. Excellent execution. A set of Dutch assumes only option? Or, you can also be collected in Danish? Interest is not the decals, namely equipment details ...
  2. on pictures the time of WWII no were seen rectangular stamp
  3. Another model from Dayushi. (repackage). Old, I would say the ancient whale. Plastic high quality, but for me a little bit fragile. Because of improvements - an inner frame in the cockpit, the seat of both pilots, brace and pull. You can see more detail in a construction site http://royalscale.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?id=288
  4. The remaining 12 days. If someone thought up to take part are welcome
  5. In any case - any approach to a model worthy of admiration, if in the end it looks nice, and gives satisfaction
  6. But the rest of the work is just amazing!!!!
  7. Colleagues why the MiG-3 all make the exact same mistake? On these planes on the front visor when there was no metal ribbons! These aircraft have never been shoulder belts!
  8. Форум royalscale.ru в 01/06/2015 будет конкурс в строительстве 1/32 модели. Мы приглашаем всех заинтересованных лиц. Там будут призы и подарки http://royalscale.ru/forum/viewforum.php?id=85
  9. Mitsubishi A6M2 Reisen, 31-130, 331-国体, Airbase Balikpapan, Borneo, New Guinea, October 1944 Model Overview - http://royalscale.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?id=194 Construction of the model - http://royalscale.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?id=257
  10. I pointed out the place roundels. Then made color after it struck through a stencil roundels
  11. All welcome. Completed another model, this time Japanese fighter Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate The basis was taken from the plane 200 Air Division, Flight instructor corps, Groups "Akeno" Clark Airfield, Philippines 1945 Model Overview - http://royalscale.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?id=195 The construction of the model - http://royalscale.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?id=242 When assembling the cockpit used by Aires, debugging and refining underwent engine, landing gear, rack and wheel guards rear rack, and of the little things where something else. Painting of Acrylic Tamiya, Mr.Hobby, Akan, pastel and oil. What happened to judge you. Thank
  12. Is not "Nakajima Green", it is "Tachigava Кhaki". But it was not thanks anyway
  13. Старый добрый Хасегава + независимым преобразования для Ki43-III Squadron территориальной ПВО растений Tachigava мегаполиса. 1945.
  14. Bf109 G10 Erla W.Nr. 491501, "Сильва", "11 Nero", 1а Squadriglia, II Gruppo Caccia, Лорис Baldi, Авиано, февраль 1945.
  15. I use paint company - Tamiya or Mr.Color. A color bothering himself on the old vykraski RLM
  16. FW190D11 JV44 (Red-4) Карл-Хайнц Хофманн, München - Рием, май 1945
  17. And was unable to finish to win any model nor his crooked little hands ... As the basis of the prototype took 203 Kokutai district Omura, Kiyoshi, summer 1945 Assembly with fine-tuning ... Well you can tell from the box. Modified the engine hood, cockpit set from CMK, well, even on the little things so there SNM. Colouring Tamiya, pastel, oil. Shoals of course there is, they can not have. Well, to judge you ...
  18. Откровенно говоря, я не знаю, но я буду принять к сведению. Спасибо
  19. Здравствуйте, долгое время не исходить от вас. С разрешения следующей модели показывают, Ну, что бы сказать, что это, что бы не молчать ... Не хорошую работу у меня есть (но все еще довольно плохо тоже нельзя назвать окончательной доработки подвергалось -. Двигатель, шасси, полностью вырезать и фиксированной сращивания Ниши из. поцарапать Самоделов кабину, кроме приборной панели и задняя перегородки слишком полной Самоделов, сводя с ума радиатора ... Paint - Tamiya, пастель, масло. Курс строительства можно найти здесь http://royalscale.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?id=67
  20. The delay is due to the fact that they decided to unsubscribe from the inconvenience, and counting line La5 under normal casting.
  21. 1 Mounting straps (no options!) 2 Correct color cockpit. 3 Sometimes you need a little attention, the truth is somewhere near)) 4 A very common mistake godga think that at this point the metal frame. 1 2 If you look closely at the museum that errors can also be something that you would see 4
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