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Everything posted by Johann

  1. Yes. Certain limitations on Vacuum molding - there is, but ... We have developed such a separation of parts in which the end user will get them already in the form of finished parts for assembly. Ie the end user will not have problems with cutting out parts of the plane Vacuum molding of parts will not differ from the details from plastic low pressure, with the exception of the casting frame To me it is hard to describe, but I will gladly show you the photo after the first model. Many questions will disappear
  2. Well, the work is still in progress Verification is the finishing details on the master layout
  3. On all models (initially) will be the fuselage and wings of the technology Vacuum molding, and all the other details - plastic low pressure. Unfortunately the equipment that we have now, is not able to shed large-sized form. All models will be equipped with a set of translated mark characters Here for example a couple of interesting options
  4. As they say in Russian - for the seed of the beast Master model fuselage La5FN (Ла5ФН) Master model and a couple of finished parts for quality control Il4/DB3 (Ил4/ДБ3)
  5. Good time. I doubt that I write in the right section. If I'm wrong please ispravte. I have a question - will there be interest from colleagues in the Russian aviation WW2?? My colleagues and I are preparing to release a 32 scale (small series) model. If all goes as planned, then - in September will be La-5FN (later will be the La-5 and La-7) in November will be the Yak-1 and Yak-3 (later to be the Yak-1M Yak-7 and Yak-9) yanvore to be ready bomber Db-3/Il-4 If you're interested, I can put you a couple of photos of the process ...
  6. Yes, the insignia on the wings, fuselage and tail fin, tail number - do yourself, airbrushing
  7. Very beautiful work.
  8. The nose is a classic remake of "E". This experimental model to work out the conversion. If there is interest, I can try to describe the process of change. To recreate the "C" will make your nose already vakkumirovaniya here are some photos from the time of construction
  9. I welcome everyone again I'll try entertain you, my extreme model. This is a self-made conversion Bf109e3 from Hasegawa. Model 70s mid. What came of it judge you. )
  10. Maybe authorize the publication, as an exception. Yes Semen is available in 48 scale. But his work, I think, professional and worthy of attention.
  11. I'm not sure on the publication of the assembly H75 ... For many reasons. In parallel with it built Bf109D. Yes knowledge of the language is clearly not for the normal description of the production
  12. I really hope that I can win all the mistakes of the manufacturer (
  13. A good critic gives impetus to the improvement and development) For now corrects errors on the manufacturer Curtiss Hawk 75
  14. It is impossible not to agree, but would like to hear the views of and from the side.
  15. I will continue entertain you with another model. In fact, it is not very successful. I hope it is not so terrible
  16. I am very pleased that my work is liked it. to all of you. I hope to make you happy in a short time Yeshe
  17. I am very pleased that my work is liked it. to all of you. I hope to make you happy in a short time Yeshe
  18. I agree. I'll try to find time to work on the bugs in this model
  19. Let me entertain you with their models. At this time Bf-109 G6 «Gustow» (Erla), of 3/JG53 Orweto. February 1944 Unfortunately it turned out that the photographer of my bad
  20. I am glad that the work much. Thanks for the feedback and advice Coloring was taken from the manual "air war" signs were made ​​by yourself or podobranny Thank you. Be sure to take advantage of your advice. As it turned out I have a bad photographer, we learn) And I hope I'm not confusing words? Unfortunately I find it easier to communicate in Russian, Czech or German. English I know very little.
  21. Allow me to present their work Fw190D9 of 1 / KG (J) 27 Goslar. Aprel 1944 Revell kit 1/32 I hope did not turn out quite disgusting Sorry if you made ​​a mistake with bad know English.
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