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Everything posted by Johann

  1. Sometimes tearing at Russian) Again, I apologize. If colleagues are actually wondering what can show a couple of pictures in order to protect it from further errors. By the way looking ahead not erred in binding color glass that make 98% of the modelers on the front of it is not! plexiglass sheets just overlap.
  2. оhо hо... ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY ADMIN "I was lecturing on the site factory specifications to the MiG-3 It was never by color variations in the cockpit! Was a strict standard. It is not necessary to invent the fact that you can learn. And with all the belts are not as done. If you want I can lay out and once more the book and photos of real prototypes"
  3. Fantastic! And unlike me, you have won the transparent part of the cabin
  4. plastic from this manufacturer does not really lend itself to every glue ( especially those that with the addition of polyethylene ...
  5. Tried to do at least something of the kit...
  6. This version of the painting was found somewhere on the Internet. Unfortunately, I kept drawing with the data rather than painting a link to the site itself (but if there is interest I can put picture And yet it seems to me that I have a terrible english (
  7. alas, but I rarely take off point of the process
  8. Loved the set. Judging by the number of spare parts worth waiting for something new from Revell
  9. I dare expose Yeshe one model ... Messerschmitt 109G6 III/JG53 Operation Bodenplatte. December 44, January 45 Pictures are not very successful. At the first of a possible change to a more well
  10. Oh, oh, oh ... I guess I'm too late. Cockpit for the MiG-3 was painted in light gray, The floor, the pilot's seat, steering wheel and rack in the cabin dark green ...
  11. my English is not less clumsy))) out of habit continued to Russian And while I was bored, brought to mind the creation of the wife) on the art of the same type in the same style
  12. И в то время мне было скучно, довели до ума создание жены) на поле искусства того же типа, в едином стиле
  13. Finally I got out of the hospital. In fast mode will make up for lost time. At the time, while I nebilo Colleges experiment with UT-1 ... It remains only to lick it and to prepare
  14. No, no. No problem. again I apologize for the misunderstanding. Image borrowed from the Yak-3 on the Polish site. Nor any mention of the author unfortunately did not find (old sketches atra removed for ethical reasons. Once again, I apologize to all.
  15. 1000 apology. The problem of the modern world that the Internet is more freely available and there is no way of knowing whether this is the author's work. Laid out whether the author is realized in free access or is the work of pirates. I assure you that at the arte works of others will not. Once again, I express my deep apology (but now I know whose work it))) As soon as I get out of the hospital, I will show updates on models and present the finished art boxes
  16. Dear Colleagues. Does not know whether any of you - as produced installation / dismantling the main fuel tank Bf109
  17. You pologat that Western pilots less wrong?? and their errors are killed fewer people? I'm not making excuses for our pilots, but ... No need to have to make scapegoats or untalented. At an air show in Madrid, the American pilot crashed - 58 people injured 2011 aviaporad in Nevada American pilot dropped into the stands ... the list can be a lot. But we do not say that Americans love to fall into the stands! Errors are everywhere, there are errors in all, unfortunately, people are dying because of them. And what a pilot country guilty of this it does not matter
  18. How much would you like to have color options in the set? Whether to make multiple builds (versions) in one set?
  19. Not omega (neo) for us makes engines from the resin.
  20. withdrawn on ethical grounds...
  21. Everything is going according to plan, and therefore - by September will be a pair of test patterns to test assembly and test quality. Looking ahead to say - it will be a full set of cockpit and engine of the resin. Set of etched details. All small items will be casting. Vacuum will be only wings and fuselage Cabin windows will also be casting
  22. Fantastic! English is not enough to characterize your work (no offense to the British) Это великолепие просто невозможно, божественно, шедеврально! Черт возьми, что бы мне так научится делать!!!
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