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  1. Hey, you aren't the only one that has difficulties with ZM kits. I have their P-51K and the fit issues are not allowing me to finish the build. Your build, however, looks like it is chugging along nicely. The paint boot modifications look rather sharp also. Keep it going.
  2. It has been since 2013 that I think that I wrote my last posit. Things have changed in my life, we moved and now I think I can settle down and do some serious modeling. My mind is like a steel sieve and I probably forgot the people that I related with but I am sure they are doing well, at least I hope they are. My modeling skills have improved although since the move last year I have lost all of those pics but maybe I can start some new ones. Currently I have about twelve kits going although I am seriously working on two right now. The 32 Pro Modeler 32 He-11 P and the Special Hobby Tempest MkV High tech.. I started this kit last year and had some difficulties coping with the issues so I relegated it to a paint mule. I did some research on this kit and ordered another one a few weeks ago right after I ordered the Barracuda resin updates for it. I was really chuffed about the resin set as it came the day before the kit arrived. Looking through the kit I was pleasantly surprised to find the resin engine and all its many details. The earlier kit that I bought didn't have this So I am thinking "bonus!" while digging through the kit. So here is my quandary. I have a new A.M. resin cowling and all the goodies that it came with and I have a kit that has some other tasty detail parts and pieces. The only thing to do now is buy two more kits. Another Mk V, the non high tech one to use the engine and other goodies and now that the Mk II is out that will be the other one. Well cheers, gents. It's good to be back.\ Paul
  3. Well this is basically done. the checkered decals for the nose were pretty hosed and I have some coming in about a week or so. I left the gaps in the front panels because they are removable and the big self inflicted gun shot wound that I did while assembling the supercharger ( I used the one for the Spit) so now it sits cock-eyed. I may just leave it like this or maybe later do some more to it. All-in-all this is a fantastic kit and when I get a hair Ill probably just build another. The Decals are from the Dragon kit so that's probably a good reason why they broke apart on me and were too translucent.
  4. I use either future or clear lacquer Ralph, the decal is just too translucent. I may have to lay another one over it.
  5. After a week of not doing anything I decided to apply some decals. Have some problems with the transparency of the stars over the invasion stripes but hey, this is almost done and you really cant tell, right?
  6. I have the invasion stripes to paint but I really dont wish to rush this build so I am stepping back from it for a couple of weeks the I'll finish it.
  7. very interesting, I have an affinity for this aircraft and am very curious about it. I tried the Dragon 48 scale one but it sadly crashed and burned. maybe Ill get the gumption to try another one.
  8. Alllllll righty then. I decided to go with the rattle can, Tamiya TS-83 for the metal finish and some dark OD for the top. I know it looks a bit bright but I am figuring after weathering it will have some sort of a "used" but not used up look to it. the spitfire prop is there just because...
  9. I really am not trying to dispute the quality of alclad Rick. I just dont have the ventilation to shoot that stuff much and I yet have been able to get such a pristine surface prep that it takes. Thats why I use Vallejo and the Tamiya weathering system to get my metal effects. I want to do one one of these days but I guess I am a bit C.S. about the whole thing.
  10. I did a bit of an experiment with three paints. Alclad polished alum, Vallejo Alum and Vallejo Chrome. Lets see what you think. Vallejo Chrome Vallejo alum Alclad polished alum The control is the base coat that I applied. Humbrol gloss black acrylic over Vallejo grey poly primer.
  11. Got the wings assembled and installed plus I only displayed one gun bay and ammo belt, I figured that's good enough. All through out this build I have wondered what it is like to have your best and I think with the way this kit is going so far, I may find out in out a couple of weeks. The wings went on pretty well with only a small gap in the fit but it still does fit like a glove. Really, Dollar signs are flashing past my eyes as I think of other Tamiya kits yet to build. I even feel cocky enough to attempt another figure but this time with a bit more attention to detail and not rushing to get any thing done. I could use some pointer on this guy. I still have to get the paint stripped off and re applied and filler in.
  12. Well quite a bit of the Fuselage and the engine compartment are done. I reeeelly love this kit. Did I mention how much I love this kit? so far seams and gaps are nonexistent and the only issue I have is from a mistake I made assembling the engine and that caused it not to line up straight. Now the top frame strap didnt follow suit so it may have some sort of a fit issue there. right and left front frame pieces here. Not as many hoses and pipes as the Tamiya Spitfire kit but this time it ran fairly well for me in its assembly. I also had time to put the tail plane together and it fit like a glove. I am going to attempt the Hurry Home Honey (early) which was in the Dragon kit. I kept the decals and tossed the kit because the tail was short shot.
  13. nice, not too much and really killer exhausts
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