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  1. Looking great, Jeroen. Especially love the train wagon!! Grtz Flip
  2. Hi guys, After a short break from WW1 aircraft, I've decided to give this one a go :-) As per instructions, I started work on the cockpit. For this one I wanted to give the Uschi Van Der Rosten wood decals a try. They are extremely thin and careful handeling is necessary in order not to break them during application. I started out by airbrushing the different wood panels separately, each time using a different shade of beige. Since the decals are transparent, the background colour will show through and will provide for some color variation in the woodwork. After applications of the decals, I've sealed everything with tamiya clear varnish. Next, the fuel tank was airbrushed in shades of grey and the electricity conduits where painted with acrylics (life color and vallejo) Pin washes & shading were done with Van Dyck Brown oil paint. As I wanted to replicate a worn black leather look on the seat, I studied many pictures before setting out to work. Using life color acrylics I tried to paint the light and shadow effects that you usually see on a seat like that. The colours used are: Burnt black, Light skin tone, sand, matt black and red. Now I hope I can repeat this effect on the seat in the back as well :-) Grtz Flip
  3. Hi Guys, Here are some pictures of the MENG FT17 i'm working on. Will be built out of the box. Very nice kit and highly recommended d grtz Flip
  4. Hi Guys, This bird is done now and the full article will appear in Art Of Modelling magazine in the near future. Pilot and dog are from Kellerkind. Grtz Flip
  5. Very nice work Jeroen! Love the setting with the railroad car. Grtz Flip
  6. beautiful and inspiring work Danny :-) Grtz Flip
  7. Great work Johan! The cockpit looks splendid. Looking fwd to your progress on this bird :-)
  8. oh wow, that's just fantastic work. That's 'real' modelling! Have some vac form kits in my stack as well, but never dared to tackle them. You make it look easy indeed (but I bet it's not :-)) Grtz Flip
  9. thanks guys! :-) Here's a picture of the engine. Originally, I wanted to leave the cowling off, but ham fisted as I sometimes can be, I dropped the engine one day, damaging it to the point that I couldn't repair it without masking the damage completely. At least I still have the picture :-)
  10. thanks guys! really enjoying this build. Although it's nog WNW quality, for a resin kit: this is the best one I've ever seen. Finished the seat belts for the back seat this morning and have installed the seat itself. Fuselage now ready to close up. Grtz Flip
  11. Looks very very realistic. Top notch paint job indeed! Grtz Flip
  12. fantastic build! Can't get enough of this topic :-)
  13. little update. interior nearly ready. Just have to add the bomber/gunner's seat. (lost one of the lap straps and have to make another one) Was quite hard to line up the frame (but that had probably more to do with my work method :-) I couldn't get it completely straight, but once closed up, it's not visible anymore. grtz Flip
  14. Great looking model Cees! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Can't wait to pick this kit up as well :-) Cheers Flip
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