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Everything posted by Rowdy

  1. Many thanks guys!!
  2. Lovely build so far Cees! looking forward to the paint job!
  3. And some more work on this one..
  4. Fuselage section so far. Starting the subtile wheatering this weekend!
  5. Thanks Cees! I added those with a brush with thinned paint and a toothpick.
  6. Great effect on the wheels Jeroen, good choice regarding the rims as well! Best way to leave it like this, some pics show indeed the almost overall black color.. have that same issue with the He219 wheels... still reading about that and still no clue on what to deside so far, but I will save the pics of your wheels for reference!!
  7. Did a few hours of work in the wheelbays.. Very happy with the way the aluminum tape worked out so far!
  8. Thnx Rob! Very true about the colour thing you mention, it’s the way the pics are taken. Just with the phone without any bit of good light Will post new pics soon!
  9. Yes it’s all airbrush
  10. Thanks Gusmac, I use aluminum tape
  11. Dear all, Did some ‘in between’ work on a Focke Wulf D9 which I replaced a few times from the shelf and the box, because I really didn’t know what to do with it... After today! This will be Focke Wulf D9 WrNr 600150 flown at the Jg4 which was found intact by the allies in the forest around Frankfurt a Main. In the picture the allies removed the engine and cowling which can be seen behind the aircraft. The rest of the A/C frame is unknown by me... I choose to make the aircraft with a complete fuselage and nosesection, because these D9’s of this stab were very nice colored on the nose with RLM 83 (MRP 70) with a RLM 75 spotting on the cowling. What do you think so far?
  12. Re-scribing and riveting work is really worth afterwards! Never did that before, but when I did my first model with those tools and methods I will do that with al my future projects! Great work so far Cees!!
  13. Great work again mate!!
  14. Many thanks for this huge amount of great comments!
  15. No two mate, as the mid and tail section were almost still attached after the crash.
  16. Start look good mate! Please give it a try again
  17. Details, saws, research, and figuring out how the midsection broke in pieces... With 4 pictures and technical drawings... Riveted the wings and midsection..
  18. O yeah!! This makes me happy! It’s said already, but I love the woodwork as well! Seeing a lot of WW1 era aircraft come across, maybe someday..... someday..... I will built one as well! Love the details!
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