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About ArnieC

  • Birthday 02/18/1969

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  • Location
    Ulft, de Achterhoek the Netherlands
  • Interests
    Mostly WW2 planes (and some tanks) and then mainly Lufwaffe.

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  1. I bought in Lingen (Germany) a few weeks back a 1/32 Hobby Boss F-84E for 25 euro. Last weekend I was at the Shropshire modelshow at the Cosford RAF museum in Engeland and bought myself a 1/24 Airfix Hawker Typhoon Ib for just 40 pounds!!!! Also bought some more cheap kits, but they were all in smaller scale. including in 1/48 a F-86K, E-2C Hawkeye, Mig 27D, B25G, etc. Cheers,
  2. Ehhhh, I have got them second handed on a model show. I don't know if they are still avialable. There is also a conversion set from Jerry Rutman (I hope I spelled it right) in the USA. That does almost the same. The Original was for a D-13 conversion. I only swapped the wings inserts for this one to make it a D-11. Sorry. Cheers,
  3. Fw-190 D11 JV 44 Bavaria, Germany 1945 Kit: Hasegawa conversion: Renaissance extra's: Cockpit and wheel set from MDC Decals: Eagle Calls Cheers,
  4. And she is finished. Here are some pictures. Cheers,
  5. Finally a update. Last week I have been doing the decals, panel lines and a dull coat. Here are some pictures. The underside. The top side. That is it for now. I hope to do some more work on her next week and finish it. Cheers,
  6. Hi Jeroen, I used Gunze (waterbased) paint for the colours. These were thinned with some Tamiya acrilyc thinner (X-20A). The airbrush I used was my trusted Evolution with a 0.3 needle and head. Cheers,
  7. I have finally finished the painting last weekend. Here are some pictures. I first did the RLM 76. And finally the two top colours. I used Gunze for this. The colours are for the grey RLM 75 and for the green RLM 81. I painted them free hand. Now it needs a Klear coat for the decals. Cheers,
  8. Again it took me some time to move on with this one. I have finished the cockpit with the seat and I have also closed the conopy. Here is a picture of the model before I started painting. There is still some tape to keep the canopy in place while the glue is drying. [/url]"> And here after I have painted the model on the underside white. As you can see I have already placed the masking tapes for the stripping. [/url]"> Finally the red has gone on today. Here is she after removing the tape. [/url]">http://s1064.photobucket.com/user/arnoldcremers1/media/Fw-190%20D11/IMG_3663_zpsk10u4fbw.jpg.html'> I hope to do the other colours this weekend. Cheers,
  9. Happy new year to you too. I hope you have a good recovery and that it will be a productive 2017. I had a productive 2016 with 15 builds under my belt including two 1/35 tanks and two 1/32 aircraft. The rest was smaller scale and mainly 1/48 aircraft. I hope to 15 builds this year as well. Cheers,
  10. Thanxs Guys, @mikester. I didn't do anything to the cockpit. I builded it out of the box. That includes the pilot. That is a very good looking figure. As not much can be seen when the canopie is closed and the pilot as well I chose not to do anything to it. If you want to place it open you have to do more. Aspecialy the seat needs than some more detailing. Cheers, Arnold
  11. Jeroen, I also just found out that there is a conversion set from Schatton Modelbau for this in 1/32 for the Trumpeter kit. Just google Schatton an you will find their website. Cheers,
  12. That is a great looking Macchi C.202. And you made it from the ID models Vac form?!?! You are a very brave man. :unworthy: I did once a Fokker D XXI. Boy was I in trouble with that one. Cheers,
  13. Hi guys, Here is a model I have been working on for the last month after it was putted by me on the shelf of shame a couple of years ago. I finally finished this one today. The 21st Century models Macchi 205 is a little crude, but the form is good and quite easy to build I did made some modifications to it. the wheels and exhaust where the worst, so I replaced them. the wheels are from the spare parts box and the exhausts are from Quickboost for a Bf-109 G. Here are the pictures. [/url] Cheers, Edit: I forgot about the spinner. It is one from a old 1/32 Revell Beafighter. It was a little bit reprofiled on the tip.
  14. That is a great looking model. Love the paint job!!! :wub: Cheers, Arnold
  15. Thanks guys. @Mikester, I did some work the last period in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. These are easier to store. I still need some new glass cabinets for the larger planes I have in my collection. At the moment if they are to big they sit outside the glass cabinets I have and then they catch dust. Witch I find a pitty. Cheers, Arnold
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