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Everything posted by sandbagger

  1. Hi all, The first Fokker D.VII cockpit is complete now and fitted into the fuselage. I've added detail, such as instrument cables, grease pump and fuel pressurization pump pipes, under floor cross bracing, engine control rods etc. I still have to finish it by adding the pilots shoulder harness, which will be attached to the seat mounting frame through the additional linen 'wind break' behind the pilots head, Mike
  2. Hi all, The first cockpit is nearing completion. I still have to fit the instrument panel, compass, tachometer, shoulder harness and engine bearer frames. Also finish rigging the various control lines and the hand throttle and gun trigger cables, Mike .
  3. Hi all, The cockpit side frame tops with 'Aviattic' lozenge applied - tricky to apply but I think worth it, Mike
  4. Hi all, The cockpit is getting close to being closed up now. Mike
  5. Hi all, I'm making a start on the 'full built' Fokker D.VII. Cockpit items (not yet completed) and flight control rigging and cockpit frame cross bracing. Mike
  6. Hi all, As some of you may know, this time last year the modelling community lost 'Des Delatorre', a great inspiration and owner of the 'WW1 Aircraft Models' web site and forum. Dave Wilson, who now runs the forum, has organised a memorial group build in honor of Des. I thought I'd like to attempt a double build, consisting two Fokker D.VII aircraft and two figures. A complete Fokker D.VII - Wingnut Wings Kit No:32027. A 3D printed 'Aviattic' skeletal Fokker D.VII from 'ShapeWays'. Anthony Fokker figure from 'Aviattic'. Photographer figure from 'BlackDog Models'. Mike
  7. Hi all, The build is finished and now posted on the 'WNW ready for inspection' page, Mike
  8. Hi all, It's done, so I thought you might like to see my 16th 1:32 scale build - The Sopwith F1 ‘Camel’. This model represents the Sopwith F1 ‘Camel’, Serial No.B6313 (later modified version), as flown by Major William George ‘Billy’ Barker, CO of No.139 Squadron, RAF, based at Villaverla, Italy during August 1918. This model depicts the later version of B6313, when field modifications were carried out to introduce four cooling slots in the engine cowl, linen covering removed from the centre section of the upper wing and cockpit decking sides reduced or removed. Modified or corrected: Cockpit: ‘Barracuda Studios’ Wicker Seat and cushion (BR32332). ‘HGW Models’ Sopwith Camel seat belts (132590). Copper micro-tubes for fuel supply to engine, main and auxiliary fuel tanks, fuel contents indicator and fuel tank pressurization. Brass micro-tubes for a pipe 4-way union, pipe connectors and fuel filter. Lead wire for gun trigger cables and engine ‘blip’ switch. Rigging wires with turnbuckles for cockpit side frame, under shield and floor bracing. Flight control cables with turnbuckles for ailerons, rudder, elevator and tail skid. Micro-tube for throttle control linkage. External after market and additions: ‘Blackdog Models’ RFC Fighter Pilot 14-18 No.2 (F32014) ‘Copper State Models’ RFC Mechanic (F32-0026). ‘Proper Plane’ wood propeller - Lang type (WP004). ‘Copper State Model’ Tools and Cans set (AE32-005). ‘Aviattic’ linen effect decal - Clear Doped Linen (ATT32094). ‘Aviattic’ linen effect decal - PC12 ‘Light’ RFC/RAF (ATT32092). ‘Xtradecal’ Parallel Stripes (White - XPS2 and Black - XPS1). Various ‘Albion Alloy’ Micro-tube (Brass or Nickel Silver). ‘Steelon’ Mono-Filament 0.12mm diameter. ‘Stroft GTM’ Silicon-PTFE tempered monofil (Blue/Grey 0.08mm diameter). ‘RB Motion’ 0.51mm Aluminium hexagonal nuts (1279-A). ‘EZ Line’ white (heavy). ‘Polak’ grass mat (Wild Meadow (4706). ‘Inperspextive’ made acrylic display case. Brushed silver, black printed - information plaques. As usual I've created a downloadable build log in Adobe PDF format, for those who might want to refer to it for reference or build details. It contains full step by step descriptions of the model build, its modifications/changes and is also supported with illustrations and reference photographs and information. If viewed in Adobe Reader, each build log has book marked chapters/headings for easier navigation through the log. My model website has the gallery page, so to view any model, go to the gallery and select it. If it has a PDF build log, it will be available to download using the 'PDF' icon on that models photo's page. The gallery will scroll through the various photographs for any particular model selected for viewing. http://igavh2.xara.hosting Mike
  9. Hi all, I think I'll call the rigging done!! There's still few tweaks to the weathering, rigging end fittings and turnbuckles etc and of course the base of the display case, but the Camel is getting close to completion. Mike
  10. Hi all, The cross bracing for the outer wing struts, cabane struts and forward fuselage are done. The line tags will be cut away and any slackness in the lines sorted, once the remaining wing landing and flying wires are rigged. Mike
  11. Hi all, Time to rig the wings!! Mike
  12. Hi all, The twin rudder control lines with turnbuckles and the aileron control wire horns have been pre-rigged. The last bit of pre-rigging will be the elevator control wire horns. Mike
  13. A steady hand and bags of patience Phil and anything is possible, Mike
  14. Hi all, The underside of the upper wing has now been pre-rigged. Also the fin bracing has been done as well as the steerable tail skid control lines. The last rigging to do before the upper wing is fitted are the twin rudder control lines, Mike
  15. Hi all, The wing struts and the cabane struts have been pre-rigged and left 'slack'. They'll be finally tightened and secured once the upper wing is fitted. As with the undercarriage bracing, the end fittings are 0.4 mm nickel-silver tube with 0.5 mm aluminium nuts, although it's difficult to make them out in the shots.. Now it's on to pre-rigging the wing and flight controls!! Mike
  16. Hi all, The undercarriage is now braced. Although you can't see it very well in the shot, there is a turnbuckle bracing line routed across the front of the axle fairing. The end fittings are 0.4 mm nickel-silver tube with 0.5 mm aluminium nuts. All that's left is to create the 'bungee' suspension and the undercarriage is done. Then it's on to rigging the aircraft. Mike
  17. Hi all, Just a few more showing weathering. For those who are wondering what the four black things under the fuselage are and the 'ears' sticking out of the engine carburetor intake: This aircraft was photographed with under fuselage attachment brackets for a 'Cooper' bomb rack' However no photographs I could find show the actual rack as being fitted. Sopwith Camels serving in the Italian theater had a field service mod carried out to fit 'funnels' to the carburetor air intake tubes, to increase airflow to the engine as they operated at higher altitudes than on the Western Front. Barker's B6313 had both fitted, Mike
  18. Hi all, The model is progressing now. The 'Aviattic' linen effect decals have had the kit decals added, plus decal black/white stripes. After sealing it's all have a 'Flory' Dark Dirt wash and 'Tamiya' weathering master highlights. The final weathering will be 'AK Interactive' oil/kerosene enamel for engine staining. Then it's on to pre-rigging and assembly, Mike
  19. Go on Phil - you know you want to
  20. Hi all, The linen effect decals for the CDL are on now. The photo is in strong light and doesn't really show the slight applied pre-shading very well. These and the PC12 decals are basic and will be weathered etc later in the build, Mike
  21. The linen effect decals for the PC12 are on now, Mike
  22. Hi all, It's been a few weeks since I posted for this build - been on vacation. Anyway the two figures are completed now - Barker himself and his mechanic (who will be working on the engine cowl). I'm currently cutting and applying the 'Aviattic' linen effect decals to the models (light PC12 and CDL) - a time consuming job as they are not cookie cut, so accurate paper templates need to be cut first then used to trace the outline onto the decals sheet. Mike
  23. Hi all, I've moved on a bit and now have the fuselage closed up, primed and pre-shaded ready for the 'Aviattic' linen effect decals. I've also got the two figures primed ready for painting - mechanic from Copper State Models, pilot from 'Blackdog Models', Mike
  24. Yes I'll be there. I have three models on the Great War SIG display in Hall 1, Mike
  25. Hi Phil, It's the WNW F1 Camel (Clerget engined). I have the ships Camel as well - the two are pretty much the same, although the cabane struts on the F1 are part of the cockpit side frames, whereas on the ships Camel, they need to be cut off as the struts are part of the fuselage halves. Also a single Vickers gun as it has the wing mounted Lewis gun. Mike
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